Petra let out a silent sigh and Erwin and Hanji gave an awkward glance.

Levi starer at the menu for a couple of seconds, before turning away. "No need. I was going to order the same thing."

My blood boiled at his answer. If you were going to order the same fucking thing, then why did you throw that shitty attitude at me--

Erwin patted my back and gave me a small smile. He didn't say anything, but his expression was so full of meaning that it almost spoke to me.

Hang in there.

I released my breath harshly, leaning on Erwin's side. At times like this is when I'm grateful for having the bushy eyebrow guy sitting next to me.

I could slightly feel Erwin's chest vibrate as he chuckled, and his arm softly rested on my shoulder.

Petra ordered the food and drinks, and then she came back to the table with news. "Hey guys, the food going to take a while so I was thinking about going to the arcade first."

"What about the table?" Erwin asked, lifting his hand from my shoulder.

"They reserved it for us. So, let's go!"

I reluctantly left my comfy position with Erwin and followed Petra into a seperate section of the building.

The first thing I would say, is that I'm surprised. The arcade was pretty big, and there was a bunch of people playing as well. I thought the place was nearly dead, but apparently I was wrong.

Petra refilled her card and came back to me. "This is also part of my treat," she said, handing me the card.

"You can play anything you want, as many times as you want. I filled in about 200 in that, since I'll be using it as well with you."

I took the card, then scanned the whole place. "I don't' know where to start..."

"But I do!" Petra broke off excitedly, grabbing my arm and bringing me to one of the games I am not unfamiliar with.

"The dancing thingy?"

Petra huffed. "Dance Dance Revolution silly! Get the name right. C'mon, play with me (Y/N)!"

My eyes widened and the answer was immediate. "No no no no no Petra."

"Awww why??" She whined, tugging my arm.

"I don't do the dancy thing okay?"

"Hhmm you're no fun!"

"Yeah, I know."

Petra pouted, and I could tell she was trying to use guilt against me. But that certainly isn't going to work this time.

And at thr perfect moment, Hanji came over to us. I was about to suggest it but Petra beat me to it.

"Hanji come play DDR with me!"


Petra swiped her card and gave it back to me. "You can go play whatever a (Y/N) plays at the arcade."

I scoffed. "Okay."

I walked around, no idea on where I was going. Eventually, I found Levi and Erwin playing at that hockey game thing, and I decided to watch them.

When they finished, Erwin offered if I wanted to play. I was going to reject, but I realised this was going to end up like that one time I went with Eren and Armin. I just ended up watching other people play.

So, after some consideration, I said yes and played against Erwin. Erwin won, at the end, but I didn't really mind.

"What do you wang to play next?" Erwin asked after the game.

My Alpha ~ Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now