Start from the beginning

"No! It was an accident!"

"Like locking Alexis in the art cupboard and throwing all her clothes in the lake was a joke?"

"Well no—that isn't fair! It doesn't count!"

"What does count?" she asks, rolling her eyes.

At this point, I decide to interject, "Let's just calm down okay, Colton's being big enough to apologise."

"Right and it's only six years too late." She scoffs. "Have you just forgiven him then, just like that? I thought you at least had some balls."

"Hey, now that's not fair. You don't have to forgive him but you can't control who I forgive." I say hands on my hips. "And yes, it's been six years but you need this just as much as him."

"I'm fine."

"Really?" I cock my head. "You went back to school for a day after you got well enough,
came home and refused to go back and still won't tell anybody why."

"I don't need to tell anyone why."

"Fine but you still need to live a life and staying in your bedroom all day isn't going to do anything for you."

Her lips form a straight line. "I don't need to go out, I'm perfectly fine here. I might be better if you actually came around."

I throw my hands up. "I did come round! Everyday! But you kept pushing me away, what was I supposed to do? You didn't want me here."

"I did! I wanted you here so bad! Forgive me for struggling with the fact I had just lost my leg and couldn't even get my own head around it, let alone have to watch everyone I loved look at me differently," she exclaims, shielding her greying face behind her dull hair.

I sigh. "I wasn't ever looking at you differently. I was just upset for you."

"Because that's any better!"

"I'm not going to be happy that you lost a leg, no!"

"Just leave. I was doing better without you," she mutters.

"No! I'm so fucking tired of you acting like such a bitch just because you lost a leg. Newsflash other people have it way worse, okay? Just be glad you didn't lose both legs," I say haughtily.

Fire burns in her eyes. "Well I'm fucking sorry if I'm not a poster child for losing a leg! But I am trying."

"But you're not! When was even the last time you left this room? When was the last time you hung out with kids your own age? When was the last time you went to the cinema, shopping, out for lunch? When was the last time you just had fun?"

She looks away from me and I approach her, sitting on the end next to her and
rubbing her shoulder. "You can't be scared forever, when are you going to grow some balls."

A small laugh escapes from her lips. "You're such a dick."

Peyton and I would never be friends again, too much distance lay between us but it didn't bother us. It worked better for us to just tell each other exactly what we thought of each other, no feelings in the way of the truth to stop us from forcing each other to get a grip when life became too much. It was an alternative relationship but it was what we needed. And it was also, why she was pestering Edna so that I would come see her: she needed the reality check.

I smile looking at Colton to say something now. He takes a deep breath. "Okay, so I'm probably ruining the moment now but yeah, I'm sorry. It won't change anything, okay, but it's important for you to know because I really mean it. You don't even need to forgive me but I would like to keep visiting you to earn your trust again... although I probably never had it to start off with. Maybe we can become friends? You look like you could do with another one."

It's silent for a moment, Peyton staring at Colton with an unknown emotion on her face while he runs a hand through his hair.

Finally, she shakes her head and says. "I've already lost my leg, what more damage could you do?"

i'm really so excited to hear what you guys think of this chapter! and to ask what if your excited for the next part!!

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i'm really so excited to hear what you guys think of this chapter! and to ask what if your excited for the next part!!

qotc: peyton is bitter, but is she a bitch?


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