Chapter 4

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~Time skip~

'Well, that class was even more difficult with Chara just there… glaring at me with those frightening yet somehow beautiful red eyes…..' I said as I went out of my classroom to go to my next class.

I than felt someone slightly bump into me, I look to see it was the jerk, I mean Chara.

"Ohhh oops, sorry, Loser." He said in a sarcastic tone while mumbling the "loser" part. This time I glared at him getting annoyed.

"What do you want Chara?" I asked him, "Oh nothing, maybe annoying you there and there." They said bluntly, looking at me with a giant smirk on his face.

"Ugh, you're such a jerk…" I mumbled a bit, but I guess he heard me "Gasp! I'm so 'offendedddd'!" He said dramatically.

I rolled my eyes then huffed angrily and went inside my next class, "Bye loserrrrr!" Chara yelled before walking away.

I growled at his annoying behavior, 'Ugh! I flipping hate that guy,' I thought to myself.
"Heya, (Y/n)!" I heard Someone call out to me, I looked around to see Frisk with that giant grin plastered on their face.

I returned it back with a small smile as I sat beside them, "Heya, Frisk! How's it been going lately?" I asked the genderless teen.

"Good, how about you? " Frisk replied with, "Not good, Chara is in the same class as me after lunch, He's such a big jerk! I flipping hate him so gosh dang much!" I complained groaning in anger after.

"Hmm… I see, hey I know! How about you come to my house on Saturday! Ill invite Mk aswell and we all can get to know eachother!" Frisk suggested as i nearly chocked on air in disbelief.

"What!? No! I just told you I hated Chara, now you want me to hang out with them!? No thank you! " I declined their offer, I then see their happy go lucky smile turn into a frown.

"Cmon… Please…..Pretty pleaseeeeee! It will be fun!" Frisk said, trying to convince me.

They kept trying to convince me for about a minute or two until I finally give up. "Ugh, okay fine. I'll go, just promise there will be snacks" I said looking at them.

I then see them smile brightly at me, "You bet! " Frisk said out loud, just if on cue the teacher came in the classroom.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated this book in awhile, I've been really busy lately. That's why this is kindve short, I'll try and post another chapter tommorow or the day after
Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter, see you in the next one!

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