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(Barnum's P. O. V)

A FEW DAYS later, Philip had become more distant. He ignores me and doesn't even answer me. He wasn't at work today, which concerned me because he's always at work. The others are getting worried about him too. My eyes widen when I realized why he's becoming distant. Me.
I kissed Jenny Lind. During one of her performances, at the end, I kissed her bright red lips. I groaned in frustration. Why did she do that?! She knew I was married. Yet, the photographer even took a picture of us and now it's on the paper!
I trudged into a bar, the one that Philip and I used to go too. God, it hurts just to say his name. The circus was slowly building back up. Fortunately, Miss Lind's performance stunned Mr. Winthrop and he had approved that the show must go on. If only Philip were here. Philip went to stay with his parents until I "get my life together".
I plopped myself onto the stool at the table. Lettie, Charles, and the others stood next to me, looking down. I bet they miss Philip too. I couldn't blame them. Philip was the only one who understood them...and now...because of me...he's gone.
"One beer please," I mumbled, tapping the table to get the waiter's attention.
The waiter nodded and poured some beer and slide it too me. It's quiet. No one spoke. I stared at the framed picture of Philip and I on the wall, when we first met, and when I first asked him to be my apprentice...or in this case partner. God, it seemed so long ago.
"What are we going to do?" Charles asked all of a sudden. "How are we going to bring Philip back?"
"I-I don't know Charles," I gulped. "I don't even know how to fix my mess. I screwed things up."
"We can't give up now!" Anne protested. "Philip wouldn't want us too!"
"She's right," Lettie said. "If Philip were here, that beautiful Philip, then we would do what he would've want us to do. Let's bring him home boys!"
The others cheered and lifted their glasses in the air, making a loud clink. Their cheering died down and I felt their eyes on me.
"What do you say, Mr. Barnum? Are you ready to bring your wife back?"
It's silent. I still stared at that picture on the wall. Philip. My beautiful Philip. He needed me. I can't give up. I suddenly felt the urge to sing and so I did.
"I saw the sun begin to dim and felt that winter wind, blow cold. A man learns who is there for him when the glitter fades and the walls won't hold. 'Cause from then, rubble what remains, can only be what's true! If all was lost, there's more I gained. 'Cause it led me you.
"From now on! These eyes will not be blinded by the lights! From now on! What's waited till tomorrow starts tonight! Tonight!
Let this promise in me start! Like an anthem in my heart! From now on! From now on!" I sang at the top of my lungs. The others grinned at me.
I slowly hopped down from the stool and walked over to the picture. The others followed me. I continued to sing.
"I drank champagne with kings and queens, the politicians praised my name! But those are someone else's dreams! The pitfalls of the man I became! For years and years, I chased their cheers. The crazy speed of always needing more! But when I stop, and see you here! I remember who all this was for!" I backed up and sprinted out of the bar, determined to get my Philip back.
"And from now on! These eyes will not be blinded by the lights! From now on! What's waited till tomorrow starts tonight! It starts tonight! And let this promise in me start, like an anthem in my heart! From now on! From now on! From now on!"
From a distance, the others sang along with me. I smiled, still running, fixing my top hot. It was snowing.
"And we will come back home, and we will come back home! Home, again! And we will come back home, and we will come back home! Home, again! And we will come back home, and we will come back home!"
"Yes!" I pumped my fist in the air.
"Home, again! And we will come back home, and we will come back home! Home, again! From now on!"
"These eyes will not be blinded by the lights!" I cried.
"From now on!" The others sang. I could here their feet stomping on the wooden floor. They were dancing.
"What's waited till tomorrow starts tonight! It starts tonight! Let this promise in me start, like an anthem in my heart! From now on! From now on! From now on!" I continued, running as fast as I could to Philip's house.
"And we will come back home! And we will come back home! Home again! And we will come back home! And we will come back home! Home, again! And we will come back home! And we will come back home! Home, again!" They sang.
Their voices get softer as I slowly approached Philip's porch and knocked on the door.
"From now on, from now on! Home, again! From now on, from now on! Home, again!" The singing stopped.
The door opened and my heart starting pounding against my chest. It was Mr. Carlyle. He snarled at me. What I surprise, I thought.
"What do you want, Barnum," he growled.
"Where's your son? I want to talk to him. More like apologize to him for all the stupidity I've done."
He just stared at me until Mrs. Carlyle nudged him in the ribs and fake coughs.
"He's at the beach, dear," she said. "He's still upset about the incident with you and Miss Lind. He needs some time alone."
I nodded and thank her. I sprinted toward the beach. There, I spotted Philip staring out into the ocean, hugging himself. His beautiful turquoise dress flowing in the breeze. I slowly approached him.
"Philip...?" I asked.
He doesn't answer.
"'Lip. Please. Answer me-"
"You love her don't you? Jenny?" Philip muttered. I shook my head and walked up behind him.
I remained silent. Then replied. "No. No I don't. I don't know why she even kissed me. Heck! She knew I married you!"
He doesn't turn nor answer. I sighed heavily.
"I want to apologize Phil," I muttered. "I'm sorry. For everything. From now on, I promise to never leave your side. I love you and you only Philip Barnum."
He slowly turned around. God, I missed his eyes and his smile.
"Thank you, Phin. I accept your apology."

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