Connor x Reader [LEMON]

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Storyline: The Reader is the daughter of Hank and had learned to hate androids and then she has to work with one along with her father. After the investigation at the Eden Club, Connor starts getting a little bit like his wires are tangled and his heart pump skips a beat when he's near you.

Y/N p.o.v

Ughhhh I can't believe it, I have to work with an Android.... just great, isn't it enough to have my dad on the same case.. no offense to him but he never let's me do anything at a crime scene because "it could be fuckin' dangerous"... like no poop is dangerous it's a crime scene!

Anyways my dad has already met the android... but annnyways... I'm just chilling on my bed upstairs when all of a frickin' sudden I hear glass fuckin' breaking. I ran downstairs to see an Android has broken into my house, oh hell naww..

"Just what the Fuck do you think you're doing!?" The Android stunned startled by ne, as if it didn't expect me to be here. It simply stared at me with its brown eyes..

"I'm sorry, I was not informed that another person lived here besides the lieutenant... allow me to introduce myself, Hello my name is Connor, I'm the android sent by Cyberlife." Connor said... honestly his voice was rather attractive... but whatever, he just broke into or house!

"Why are you here??" I asked.

"You're his daughter correct?" He asked avoiding my question.

"Uh....yeah.." I answered slightly unsure of how to understand what that had to do with this.

"Well I suppose you'll do" he said as he walked over my passed out drunken father.

"Please, get into your work clothes and follow me, we have a case to work on." He said, although normally I would've punched him already, this was finally an opportunity to actually get to do something on a crime scene.

"Sure" I answered and he looked surprised, surely you would have resisted? He thought.

Time skip

We came to the crime scene and I cringed seeing where we were.. Eden Club..

"Sexiest androids... heh now I know why you wanted to come here.." I said smirking.

"Yes, I wanted to work... want that obvious?" He answered... oh boi... so he's an innocent kind of Android...ohh geez...

We got to the room and I saw Gavin, we did kinda get along considering we both hate androids...or..well maybe they're not that bad. 

"Well lookie here, plastic pet and off...where's that drunk guy?" Gavin asked as he smirked, knowing well the reason why Hank wasn't there.

"Why don't we after this have a little fun ourselves, if you know what I me, a bed. Maybe a little alcohol." Gavin smirked at me and winked.

"I doubt she would need that right now, we have a case to work on"  Connor said.

"Oh yeah... you jealous that mine's better?" Gavin smirked.

"I'll have you know that I'm approximately 8 in-" I cut Connor off by placing a hand on his mouth. Gavin scoffed and started to leave.

Connor removed my hand from his mouth and stared at me. I simply looked away blushing.

"You're heart rate has increased rapidly and your body temperature has also risen. Are you feeling alright?" Connor asked, I just shook (I'm shook that you've read this far :/) my head up and down fast.

"Uh huh...totally fine all dandy and stuff...."I muttered, and started to look at the dead man on the bed, suddenly Connor walked to the android and put the blue blood on his fingers.....

"What are you doing...."





"What the!?!? ugh Connor that is disgustang!" I yelled and almost barfed.

Time skip

The crime scene was investigated and we found the culprit and for some reason Connor didn't he hesitated...

But here's a list of what I had to do ..

1.witness Connor licking blood
2. Talk to the manager which tried to fucking flirt with me...
And last but not least.

I just KNOW that dad is going to question why that is on my bill....

I headed home and for some reason Connor decided to accompany me. . .

We got home and I immediately checked on dad, only to find a note on the table, "went to Jimmy's bar" I sighed.

"Well ... looks like we're all alone I heard Connor from behind me, his voice made me jump back, resulting in me grinding my body against his. He groaned in pain (or so the y/n thought.. little did they know it was pleasure..)

I walked to my room and he followed me like a lost puppy.

I smirked, as soon as i got to my bed I turned around and pulled Connor with me to my bed. I could feel his heart pump against my hand.

"Y/N.. This is...this is a very intimate position." Connor stuttered. 'that is so fricking cute!' i blushed.  And put my face in the crook of his neck. I felt him stay heating up. I smirked and licked his neck.

"love you Connor"  I said

"love you too..oh wait i mean..." he started stuttering and I smirked knowing I caught him off guard.

We started making out, he then proceeded to remove his clothing along with mine,  we kissed again and he kicked my neck,  proceeding to kiss and suck, creating a mark,  showing others I'm his.

"Connor.." i moan.

He then positioned himself at my entrance,  he thrusted deep into me stretching me, i moaned.

He continued to thrust as he groaned. I could feel myself getting closer, my sweaty body panting and needing air.

He suddenly thruts deep proceeding to ...shove a small tomato up his nose.........

... ....    ...


The end.

Word count: 985

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