TBNGBHAB...Chapter Twenty

Start from the beginning

Biting onto my bottom lip, I watched my dad carefully for a long moment before all but leaping forward and wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a firm hug. "Yes, you are still my dad, always will be," I laughed softly, leaning back from the hug and catching his eyes, "Honestly dad, Seth is such an amazing guy, we both agree that even with babies all around, they are way down the road for the two of us. I can honestly promise you that, pinky promise if you want?" I offered, "He's my prince charming, the one I always dreamed about, but we don't want to rush into anything." I explained, sending him a smile.

My dad nodded slowly, and breathed a subtle sigh of relief. "I'm just not sure how comfortable I feel with him sleeping at my house any longer…now that I know how he sees my little girl indecent," He added after a brief moment of silence, shaking his head as if to erase the image that came to his mind.

Covering my eyes at his words, I  couldn't help but laugh, "You said it yourself, I'm an adult, thus I make my own decisions." I reminded him, not wanting to uncover my eyes to see him most likely eyeing me with disapproval.

 Finding my embarrassment amusing, my dad shook the sofa with his soft laughter, "It's also still my house Corey," He countered.

Dropping my hands from my eyes, I stared at him with disbelief spread over my face, "I hope you don't think I would ever in your house!" I exclaimed suddenly, my cheeks growing a deep pink just thinking about my dad even thinking about this, wanting this conversation to drop.

"I know Corey. I don't think you would, but when relationships get serious, things can get heated quickly and things can happen in the heat of the moment…and anything can cause it; a soft brush of a hand on the leg, a tender kiss on the neck," He explained, talking like it was the most normal father and daughter conversation to be having.

Shaking my head, I held my hands up to my ears and blocked out his voice, "No more, okay. I've heard enough. Seth will not sleep here as long as you promise not to bring that up ever again, with that kind of imagery!" I all but exclaimed, pushing myself up from the sofa and sending my dad a forced smile before moving out of the living room and running up the steps into my bedroom as my dad laughed in amusement.

The conversation was moving better than I thought it ever would, but of course my dad had to go and make it awkward.

With my door shut behind myself, I finally took a deep calming breath that was much needed. I was beyond pleased with how well the conversation went with my dad, knowing there wasn't going to be a wall between the two of us in the future, and as awkward as I found it knowing he knew about me and Seth, it was better than lying to him in the future. 

I knew that even agreeing to my dad's request of Seth not sleeping here any more would go unnoticed by the two of us and Seth would just go back to his routine of leaving before morning again, as much as I will hate wake up to an empty bed.

Collapsing onto my bed, hoping to pass time until Seth arrived from his run around pack lines, I grabbed my sketch pad out of the drawer and flipped to a blank page. 

After nearly two and a half hours of drawing, and no sign of Seth, I tucked away my new drawings of the trees, and went down stairs to grab something to eat. Eyeing my dad playfully as I moved into the kitchen to see him sitting at the counter as Della leaned across the other side with her back towards me.

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