Chapter 29: No One is Left Unpunished (New Chapter)

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He walks over to Ms. Child's, she's crying softly

Ethan: Karen, Karen, Karen. I'm so disappointed in you. We were doing great until you decided to betray me

Ms. Child's: What ever you're going to...

He covers her mouth

Ethan: Sh I'm done listening to you. You're going to learn like the rest of them

She shakes her head. He uncovers her mouth and walks to the back of the room, grabbing the first aid kit. He sets it next to her. Once she sees it, she cries more

Ms. Child's: Please don't do this. I'm begging you

Ethan: Stop with the fucking begging! The last girls begged and begged but guess what happened to them?

Ms. Child's: You're better than this Ethan!

He puts his hand on the handle of the paper trimmer while staring at her

Ethan: Am I?

He pushes the handle down, cutting all five fingers off. She screams. Cass freaks out while Cliff watches in shock. Ethan quickly stitches then patches her whole hand. She faints from shock. He looks and smirks

Ethan: Still think I'm better Karen?

He finishes then stands

Ethan: I didn't think so

He goes over to Cass and rubs her head

Ethan: Cassidy

She glares and moves her head away

Ethan: I'm getting so fed up with you. This punishment will teach you not to fuck with me ever again

He takes out a knife. She sees and starts freaking out while trying to break free. Ethan smiles big, letting out a laugh while he holds her head down

Ethan: Oh yes it will

He stabs the knife in her eye. She lets out her loudest scream while struggling. He sticks his hand in there and takes her eye out. Blood splatters all over him. Axl and Cliff watch in horror. Ethan puts the eye on the floor then starts cleaning out her eye socket. Her screams become cries as Ethan starts humming a song. He would rub her head at times. She ends up fainting. He finishes cleaning it then wraps gauze around it. He looks over at Ash whose still unconscious

Ethan: Three down, one to go

A couple of minutes later, Ethan sat Ash up against the trunk but had her in his arms. Her head was lying on his shoulder. He snaps his finger next to Ash's left ear which was bandaged but no response so he snaps his finger next to her right ear. She slowly wakes up

Ethan: I'm so sorry Ash. I didn't mean to go that far

He tightens the bandage on her ear. She lets out a pained sound

Ethan: I hurt you so bad

He sits her up while putting his hands on her cheeks, she was out of it

Ethan: Look what I've done to you. You're deaf in one ear. I kicked you in the stomach, not knowing that the baby could be in there

He smiles at her as a tear slides down his face

Ethan: I promise to be careful next time

As she's listening to him, tears slide down her face. He wipes the tears off her face

Ethan: But you still have to be punished for what you did

Her eyes get wide as she shakes her head. He lies her on her stomach then starts undoing his pants

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