Chapter 7: Books? (Edited)

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The Next Day...

Ash, Cass, and Axl are sitting in class

Ms. Childs: I know it's not in two month but whose excited for prom?

Some kids raise their hands. Some don't. Ash and Cass do but Axl doesn't

Ms. Childs: It's one of my favorite events. I get to watch you all dance, have a good time and of course the outfits

The bell rings. Everyone gets up, grabs their things, and starts walking out while saying bye to Ms. Child's. Axl and Cass were by Ash's desk again

Ash: Girl talk Axl

He laughs then walks to the door

Axl: Bye Ms. Childs

Ms. Childs: See you tomorrow Axl

He leaves

Cass *whispering* What were we going to ask her again?

Ash *whispering* You know

Cass *whispering* Oh yeah!

Ash: Sh!

Ms. Childs: What's going on girls?

They both look at her

Ash: We wanted to ask you about prom

Ms. Childs: Alright. What's on your mind?

Ash: We were wondering if you can help us pick out our dresses?

She smiles big and hugs both of them

She smiles big and hugs both of them

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Ms. Childs: I would love to

Ash: This really means a lot to us

Ms. Childs: I'm happy to help and hey maybe you both can pick out a dress for me?

Cass: Of course we can!

They all laugh

Ms. Childs: Well, you don't want to keep Axl waiting

Ash: Thank you again Ms. Child's

Cass: Yeah thank you

Ms. Childs: You're both welcome

Ash and Cass start heading to the door

Ash and Cass: See ya Ms. Child's!

Ms. Child's: Bye girls

Two Days Later...

Ash, Cass, and Ms. Child's come out a shop holding their dresses they picked out for each other. As they're getting ready to leave, Ash sees a gift shop

Later That Day...

Ash knocks on Ethan's for. She was holding a present behind her back. Ethan answers the door

Ethan: Ash what a surprise

Ash: I wanted to thank you for the other night so I got you this

She shows him it

Ethan: Aw Ash you shouldn't have

He takes it from her

Ethan: Come on in. I was just making dinner

She smiles and enters. He closes the door behind her. They go into the dining room

Ethan: Have a seat at the table

She sits down. He sits across from her, putting the present down on the table in front of him

Ethan: Let's see what we have here

He opens her present. It's a cup with writing on it

Ethan: A cup that says...

He looks at the writing

Ethan: "Write like a motherfucker"

He starts laughing

Ash: Just a little boost for when you write your books

He smiles big at her

Ethan: This is a very lovely gift Ash, thank you

Ash: Your welcome

The timer goes off

Ethan: Ah! Dinner is ready; will you be staying?

Ash: What are you having?

Ethan: Spaghetti

Ash: Spaghetti sounds delicious

Ten minutes later...

They finish eating. Ethan takes both their plates

Ash: Thank you. That was delicious

Ethan: No thank you for staying. I haven't had a guest at the table in a long time

Ash: I'm glad I did

He smiles at her as he goes into the kitchen, puts the plates in the sink, and turns the water on

Ash: Where's your bathroom?

Ethan: Down the hall to the right

She gets up and goes to the bathroom while Ethan puts the pots and pans in the sink as well. Couple of minutes later, she dries her hands then leaves the bathroom. She gets ready to walk back to the dining room when suddenly, she hears something. She stops and looks at the door where the noise came from. It was the door Ethan told her was off limits. She hears the noise again. Ethan was washing the dishes while humming so she goes over to the door, slowly opens it, heads in and quiet closes the door behind her. She didn't expect her surroundings to be dark and creepy looking. She hears the noise clearer so she heads down the stairs. She sees the same black trunk Axl helped Ethan with. There was something inside making the trunk itself move

Ash: What the hell? Books don't do that

She goes up to it. It moves again, making her jump

Ash: Shit

She sees that it's locked so she unlocks and opens it

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