Chapter 5: Part Time Job (Edited)

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The Next Day...

There's a knock at Ash's door. She goes over and answers it. It's Ethan

Ash: Ethan... I mean Mr. Burks, hi

Ethan: Hi I'm sorry to bug you but I was wondering if you could help me with put up some things on high shelves? As you can tell at my age I would be a clumsy and get hurt...or worse

Ash: Yeah of course I can. Don't want that to happen

Ethan: Great. After you

She leaves with him to his house. She helps Ethan put statues, books, and paintings on shelves he "couldn't reach" but he got a nice view out of it. she helped everywhere around the house except for one room

Ash: Anything you help with in here?

She gets ready to grab the knob but he quickly gets in front of her

Ethan: Actually this room is off limits

Ash: Oh yeah I forgot you had...books right?

Ethan: Yes

Ash: Are you a writer?

Ethan: Y-Yes I'm am

Ash: So; are you that type of writer who doesn't let anyone read their books until it's finished?

Ethan: Exactly

Ash: That's understandable, not judging. What's yours is yours. Is there anything else you needed help with?

Ethan: No that should be it. Thank you so much for helping an old man out

Ash: What are you talking about? You're not old. I'd say you're about thirty right?

He starts laughing

Ethan: That's adorable. You're too kind Ash. Sadly, I am not thirty. Hell if I were, I wouldn't have asked you to help me

She lets out a laugh

Ash: Well you look young to me so I'll keep it that way

Ethan: Done deal

She nods

Ash: By the way sorry about the whole shyness thin when we first met. I'm usually talkative like how I am right now

He smiles

Ethan: Thanks for telling me that. I like this side of you

She laughs

Ash: Well I better get out of your hair then, see ya Mr. Burks

She starts walking away

Ethan: Oh wait I almost forgot

She stops and looks at him. He takes his wallet out

Ash: Oh no that's okay. You don't have to do that

Ethan: I insist

He takes out a hundred dollar bill and hands it to her

Ash: Oh wow really I couldn't

Ethan: There's more to that if you're interested in helping me again. Like a part time job

She thinks about it then takes the money

Ash: Okay then

He smiles

Ethan: Great

Ash: I have a feeling we're going to be great friends

Ash: I have a feeling we're going to be great friends

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Ethan: Same here

Ash: Just come on by whenever you need help

Ethan: Will do, thanks again Ash

She smiles then leaves. Ethan stands by the door, watches her go back to her house , and closes the door

The Neighbor (Fully Edited)Where stories live. Discover now