Chapter 3: School Time (Edited)

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They arrive at school and start walking pass everyone

Ash! Cass!

They turn around and look. It's Ash's boyfriend Axl. He runs down the hall and over to them

Ash: Hey you

Axl: Hey

They kiss

Axl: I've been looking all over for you guys

Ash: We could have been here sooner but we were meeting prom queen Cass's prom king

Ash shoulder bumps Cass. She glares

Cass: Bitch

Axl laughs

Axl: And who is this mysterious prom king we're talking about?

Ash: My new neighbor

Axl: Uh oh new neighbor means trouble

Ash: Nah he's alright so far

Cass: What the hell are you talking about? All you said was "hi' and "same to you"

Ash: I'm just saying from what I saw, he seems cool

Axl: Ooo is he in his twenties or something? Should I be jealous?

Ash scratches her head

Ash: Yeah if I were into middle aged men who look like our teachers

Axl looks at Cass in shock

Axl: Cass, I'm surprise you like older men. Want me to give you the principal's number?

She folds her arms

Cass: I said I was fucking kidding!

Axl: No need to get hostile Cass

Ash: It must mean it's true

They laugh

Cass: Both of you can go to hell

Axl: We're just messing with you

The bell rings

Cass: Ugh! Well let's get to class then

They all start heading to their class. Ash and Axl were holding hands. They make it to class as their teacher Ms. Childs was standing outside the door, greeting everyone heading in her class. She sees Ash, Axl, and Cass

Ms. Childs: Hey you guys. Ready to learn?

They all whine while heading into the classroom

Ms. Childs: Come on its not that bad, I promise

They take their seats. Ms. Child's closes the door

Three hours later...

Three hours later

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Ms. Childs: Alright homework

Everyone whines

Ms. Childs: It's very simple, I know you can do it. As I was saying homework... well a project. All you have to do is write about someone special to you. It could family, friends, pets, anyone you choose. And why they're special to you, that's it

Kid: When is this due?

Ms. Childs: I'll give you until the end of the month

Everyone cheers

Everyone cheers

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The bell rings. Everyone gets up and starts grabbing their things

Ms. Childs: Alright guys have a safe night. I'll see you all tomorrow

Everyone begins leaving the classroom. Axl and Cass are waiting by Ash's desk. She stands up with her backpack in her hand

Ms. Childs: Ash

She looks at her

Ms. Childs: Can I have a word with you please? In private?

Ash: Yeah

Axl: Oh goody, girl talk

They all laugh

Axl: I'll be out in the hall

He leaves. Cass gets ready to sit

Cass: Well since this is girl talk...

Ms. Child's: You to Cassidy

She quickly gets back up

Cass: I knew that

She leaves as well. Ash goes over to Ms. Childs desk and sits on the edge of the desk across from hers. Ms. Child's sits down in her chair

Ash: So what's up?

Ms. Childs: I wanted to ask how everything was going with you

Ash: It's going great actually

Ms. Child's smiles big

Ms. Childs: That's great but your grades have been dropping and that worries me

Ash looks down

Ms. Childs: Ash

She looks back up

Ms. Childs: You know if ever need help with anything I'm here for you right?

She nods

Ms. Childs: I also do private tutorson the weekend, I can help you bring those grades up

Ash: I know and I appreciate that Ms. Childs. I know I can bring them up by doing that project so I'll try my best to finish it by the end of the month

Ms. Childs: Good! That's what I like to hear!

She stands up

Ms. Child's: Now go. Your prince charming awaits you outside the door

They both laugh. Ms. Child's goes over to her. Ash gets up from the desk and hugs her

Ash: Thank you Ms. Child's

Ms. Childs: Your welcome Ash

They stop hugging

Ash: See you tomorrow

Ms. Child's: Be safe

Ash leaves. Axl and Cass are talking when Ash comes out of the classroom. They look at her

Axl: Everything good?

Ash: Yeah just talked that's all

Axl: Oh cool...let's get out of here, I'm fucking starving

Cass: I think we all are Axl

They leave

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