Chapter 6: Creeper (Edited)

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Ash had been spending more time with Ethan than with Axl and Cass. Helping him tidy up the place and getting to know him a lot more. She even spent more time at home after school to do her project

One Week Later...

Ash is doing her project on her bed. There's a knock at the door so she quickly gets up and rushes to it. She unlocks and opens the door. It's Axl

Ash: Hey you

Axl: Hey. Just wanted to check on you. We haven't hung out in a while

Ash: I know I'm sorry. I've been really busy with the project then this job Ethan offered me

Axl: A job?

She pulls him inside, closing the door behind him

Ash: Yeah. To help him unpack. I mean look how much money I got from it

She takes out a couple of hundred dollars bills and shows him

Axl: Holy shit!

Ash: I know!

Axl: Well fuck that was nice of him

Ash: It was. This money will help with college

Axl: Fuck yeah

They high five each other

Axl: So; are you free right now?

She smirks

Ash: Yes

Axl: Mind if I keep you company?

She kisses him

Axl: Guessing that's a no?

Ash: Of course I don't mind. I could use the company

She grabs his hand and leads him to her room. Couple of minutes later they're making out on her bed. Just across from them, Ethan is once again watching them from the window. Axl stops kissing

Axl: What's that behind your ear?

She grabs her ear as he puts his hand behind it and "takes out" a condom like a magician. She laughs when she sees it

Ash: Axl

She sits up. He does the same

Ash: I'm not ready yet

Axl: No?

She shakes her head. He puts the condom back in his pocket

Ash: Im sorry

Axl: It's okay, I'm not rushing you

She grabs his hand. He looks at her

Ash: Thank you for being patient with me

He kisses her

Axl: What if we fool around?

She gives him a confused look

Ash: What do you mean?

He lets out a nervous laugh

Axl: Umm... touching and rubbing

She just stares at him

Axl: Like this

He kisses her again while grabbing and rubbing her chest. She pulls away and looks down, blushing

Ash: I see what you mean

Axl: Too much?

She looks at him then kisses him passionately

Warning: Mild sexual content

He grabs her chest again. She stops kissing him

Ash: What do I do to you?

The Neighbor (Fully Edited)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin