Chapter 1: To The Rescue

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Usually the damsel in distress is in distress at the end of the story but this story, has it in the beginning. This story was told to me by two point of views, each showing massive love.

Y/n was a wolf, her fur white as silk and her eyes the beautiful shade of e/c that popped out from her fur. She was running in the woods, looking for water. Her fur once pearly white was now dark of dirt. She was running from hunters which was the reason of her dirty fur. She whimpers softly as her legs give out as the hunters throw a net over her.

She heard rustling in the woods but she didn't take notice. She started to growl at the hunters as they point swords at her. She hears a crows call and the hunters turn their heads. They were suddenly lifted up in the air, bumping into trees and banging against each other. The net was lifted up and Y/n looks up with hope.

Y/n sees a cat like creature spring out of the trees. It had a huge mane and black coat of fur. It scratches at the hunters and they were let go. They run to the way of the castle and someone with horns walks out.

"Let them run, they may just as well tell the king" the woman says and she looks at Y/n. She waves her hand and yellow smoke flows out. Y/n slowly transform to a human, already having clothes on. Diaval was transformed as well, having a look of astonishment on his face.

"You were able to put clothes on for her but not for me!?" He says and looks to Maleficent.

"Of course, she's a girl" she say and slowly walks away before turning around, beckoning Y/n.

"Well aren't you coming deary" she says and Y/n nods her head. She gets up and takes a look at her gown before following after the still mysterious lady.

 She gets up and takes a look at her gown before following after the still mysterious lady

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It was dark from her white fur but she enjoyed the change of color. Y/n's hair was h/c but it had white on the bottom.

 Y/n's hair was h/c but it had white on the bottom

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(Depending on your hair color)

Maleficent opens up the thorn wall and allow them go through. She closes it when they are through and she leads them to a throne. She sits down and Diaval and Y/n stand at her side.

"I am Maleficent and this is Diaval" she says and Y/n smiles.

"I am forever in your debt"

"How wonderful"

I'm sorry that this is really short, just wait for a Harry Potter oneshot book soon.

The Crow's Love ~ Diaval x readerWhere stories live. Discover now