Chapter 42

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Bella's POV

It's been two days now since I knew that he left

Nothing is the same now, I never noticed how lonely I was until he left

There is this huge gap in my life that no one could ever fill

And the feeling in my throat won't go away

Even my new office doesn't look as nice, everything seem so dark now

Even the food seems tasteless

Nothing has meanings anymore

What kills me the most that I didn't stop calling him the past two days but he haven't pick up not even once his phone still rings which means he's still using it but why is he avoiding me

Why is he pushing me away

What sucks the most is that I came to the realization that I love him, yes I do,

He forced himself into my world, he made get attached to him, I tell myself it will get easier each day but it hasn't I miss him, a lot

I kept telling myself that he's isn't picking up because of the time difference

but whom am I kidding if he wanted to reach me he would've called me back

I will call him one more time just one more time and if he didn't pick up this time it will be it

I will move on with my life and never think about him again after all the world will keep spinning right?

It was 9 am now which means it's about 5 in the evening there

I called it kept ringing and ringing I was about to hang up when someone finally decided to pick up

I panicked I didn't expect him to answer

"Hello" I said almost whispering

"Hello" he replied with the same low tone

my heart skipped a beat when I heard his voice, his thick raspy voice

"Harry? " I asked although I was sure it was him

"Why are you calling me after all this time, to tell me how great your office is or how great your life has became since I left?" He said sarcastically

My vision became blurry as the tears started forming what is he even talking about

"I miss you" I said ignoring his rude remark

"You miss me? Are you kidding me? You don't miss me," he said almost shouting

"Damn it Harry what's wrong with you" I yelled

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?!" he barked

I slightly jumped in my place he was being so rude and difficult to talk to why is he so mad I still don't understand what I did wrong

"I'm perfectly fine what's wrong with you?" I asked trying to be as calm as possible

 "You're a liar," He yelled at me

"I'm not a liar," I yelled back

Why is he calling me a liar I don't understand? I never lied to him

"You fucking used me, " he sounded hurt

"What are you talking about" my tears were falling by now

"You played with my feelings, you made me believe that you actually gave a damn about me but let's be honest here the only reason you got close to me is to get a real job in the magazine and as soon as you did you dropped me out of your life" he sounded different he was hurt and he left me speechless

Storm (Harry Styles)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora