Chapter 13

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I sat on the desk helplessly, and Harry was still spinning on the chair

"Can you stop please you're giving me a headache" I said trying to look away

"You're no fun" he said as he stopped

"So what am I supposed to do now" he asked

"Nothing really" I remembered tomorrow fashion show and I added
"But there's a fashion show tomorrow so apparently now we have to go together"

"Ok" he said
"I'll be right back" he added that and he left

An hour an a half has passed

It was almost 12 and I usually get dismissed around this time
Harry didn't come back at least not yet I was actually glad he didn't it was more peaceful without him around

At 12 I left the office and on my way out I saw Harry's car parked outside the building, he was still her I thought he left by now, I didn't feel like going back home to cook so I walked to a small restaurant next to the office

it was almost empty except for one table that was occupied by two people when I looked closer I noticed Harry sitting across Mr Christian, it looks like they're having an intense conversation because Harry keeps running his hands through his hair, they didn't notice me so I kept walking hoping that they won't I ordered my food to go, and I sat on a table waiting for my food to get ready, I was going through my emails when someone taped on my shoulders

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked he looked more relaxed now than 5 minutes ago when he was talking to his grandfather

"Why do people usually come here for?" I replied sarcastically

As I said that the waitress handed me my food in bag and I stood up to leave

"Bye Harry" I murmured as I was heading outside

"Wait" he stopped me

"What?" I turned back

"At what time should I come pick you up" he was scratching the back of his neck he looked nervous

"Why?" I stupidly forgot he was referring to the fashion show tomorrow

"To take you on a date" he said sarcastically

"You're not funny" I snapped, I was trying to hide my smile because I imagine if we were going on a date that would be funny

"Yet you're smiling" he said pointing at my face

"The fashion show starts at 5 so maybe around 3:30-4?"


I walked to my car, I was too hungry to wait till I reach home and eat so I opened the radio and I started eating

I heard a knock on the window and when I turned it was Adam

I rolled down the window

"Hey Bella" Adam said awkwardly while smiling

"Hi Adam" I smiled back

"My car isn't working" he said while pointing at his car which is parked at the far end of the parking space

"Can you drop me back home?" He added he looked embarrassed while asking

"Yeah sure" I smiled as I unlocked the locks in my car for him to be able to open the door

He got it in and he said "I think it's time for me to get a new car" he said while giggling

I joined in and I giggled too

Adam looks like he's in his mid 20's he is actually good looking with brown hair and blue eyes

We talked about random things before I reached his place and I dropped him off

I went back home and I started going through my closet looking for the perfect dress to wear for the fashion show tomorrow. I found a long white dress that has a split and it's a sleeves dress with a V neck I decided it to wear it then I headed to Brandi's around 7 house she said she wants to have a movie night

We didn't really watch the movie because Brandi kept talking about Niall all the time

"You told me that already" I said bored of the same subject she have been repeating for the past hour

"No I didn't tell you that while walking out he held my hand and he whispered in my ears how beautiful I look" she said while holding her heart

"No you actually did" I giggled

She's falling for this guy it's actually quite funny to see her in love although she haven't told me she love him yet but I can see it through her eyes

We cooked dinner together and then I headed back home

Meghan told me I don't have to go to work tomorrow because I have a fashion later to attend

So I went to bed without setting an alarm. Thank god

The next day I was actually shocked when I realized it was 12 pm already I over slept

I made a light meal to eat and then I took a shower and I started getting ready I know it's still early or maybe not since I told Harry to come pick me up around 3:30 but regardless I wanted to take my time I didn't want to rush

1 hour and a half later I was already I pulled my hair up to an updo, I was happy with the result. I was done but I have about 2 more hours still or less I'm not really sure when he'll be here, I opened the tv and I kept flickering through the channels until I stopped when I saw that the proposal was on, I like this I watched the whole movie without keeping track of time until I heard a knock on the door

It 4:15 already oh shit

I opened the door quickly

I was stunt when I saw him, he looks so good, he was wearing a nice suit it's not the first time I see him wearing one but this suit is navy blue I like this color on him

"Are you ready?" He said not even bothered to look at me he's always typing something on his phone

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