Chapter 40

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Bella's POV

"It's getting late let me take you home" Harry said as he lightly tapped on my shoulders

I rubbed my eyes as I took in my surrounding and I realized that I slept on the sand

"What time is it?" I asked as I fixed my hair and I tried to brush the sand off my hair

it was still pitch black

"Almost time for sunrise" he answered

Wow I slept a lot last thing I remember is us sitting down next to each other facing the ocean as he was telling me stories about his childhood

"You've been awake the whole time" I asked


"Let's wait for sunrise then take me home?" I asked while smiling

He nodded in agreement

"Are you hungry? there is a coffee shop across the road" he told me as he pointed at the shop

"Do you think it's open?" I looked toward the direction he was pointing at the lights were on

"Let go and find out" he stood up and he offered his hand to help me get up I took his hand and I fixed my dress

we were walking toward the street when I tried to remember what happend last night

"You told me that your mom died and your father was the reason, did he kill her?" I know it was probably not the perfect time to ask but he was talking about it yesterday and he told me all about his mother and how his dad was the reason for her death but I don't remember how

"No" he shook his head

"He drove her crazy" he added as he looked around for any car passing by before holding my hand to cross the street

"Crazy?" I asked not sure how driving someone crazy will make them commit suicide don't get me wrong but killing yourself is never the choice and I don't have any sympathy for people who commit such a crime, I know some people might think it's the only solution left, but there is always another way out of any problem, and killing yourself is definitely not, and it's a selfish act to the people around them, like Harry he was just a kid he didn't deserve to go through that it made me feel angry toward his dead mom but I couldn't help but feel that

"It's open" he smiled looking at the open sign

I smiled back and I followed him in

The place was empty, of course it will be it's 5 in the morning

"Sit here" Harry pointed at a table for two next to the exit door

I nodded and I did as he told

I looked at him whilst he was ordering he looked different today, he looked more relaxed I started to think again about all the things he told me last night, it didn't surprise me that he was the troublemaker in school but what surprised me that he haven't dated anyone throughout high school, I smiled as I remembered his excuse "I was too busy planning the next prank to pay attention to girls"

"Checking out how good I look in the morning" he smirked as he walked toward the table with a tray in his hand

"No" I answered immediately I was actually gazing at him but he doesn't need to know that

"Sure" he sat down as he handed me a blueberry muffin and a hot chocolate

"How did you know?" I asked shocked that he got me exactly what I wanted

"You always order the same thing" he shrugged

"My dad cheated on her" he said

"On what?" I said stupidly

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