Chapter 30

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Harry's POV

I sat in my car in her driveway for I don't how long

I want to know why was she crying, it's bothering me a lot

I didn't want to leave, I wanted to stay and listen to her rumble about random things, anything really but at least being next to her is better than sitting in my room helpless not even knowing what's bothering her

I was becoming too attached to this girl, maybe I should stay away

Maybe that's what she wants but I was too blind to see it, but now when I think about it all she have been asking me since day 1 is to stay away from her

But damn it, I want to know why was she crying I didn't realize how hard I hit the steering wheel until it made a loud beeping noise

I should leave

I started reversing the car and I went straight home

The house was empty as usual around this time

I went to my room and I switched off my phone, it didn't stop ringing for the last hour and it started irritating me

Bella's POV

I opened my eyes and I saw a figure standing in front of me

I started to squeeze my eyes to get a better vision

"Brandi?" I asked

"Oh you're finally awake" she said while clapping her hands together

"What are you doing here? And how did you get in" I asked as I fixed my position and I sat

"You gave me an extra key last week"

Oh right I did

Why did I do that again? I should take it back

"Why are you here?" I asked again

"I came to hangout" she answered as she continued to type in her phone with a grin on her face not bothered to look at me

I thought she's here to hangout?

"What time is it?" I asked as I left the bed

"Almost 8 pm"

Oh no I slept a lot

I went to the bathroom to freshen up and I heard my stomach making noises begging for food

I remembered that I didn't actually eat the lunch I bought I went to the kitchen and I heated the food

I wonder if she called again whilst I was asleep

I heard the microwave beep and it interrupted my thoughts, I didn't want to think anymore

I opened the food and I started eating

Brandi came in and joined me

"I ordered pizza" she informed

"It's ok I'm starving I can manage to eat more"

I continued eating and Brandi excused herself to go talk in the phone

I finished eating I cleared the table and I went back to my room

I checked my phone and nothing

I was disappointed

I couldn't help but think maybe she called by mistake, but she said my name I don't think it was a mistake

But why didn't she call again

I threw my phone on the bed and I went to the living room

Brandi was already seated and she chose a movie for us to watch

Storm (Harry Styles)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora