Chapter 22

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I sat on the edge of sofa with Brandi on my side and next to her is Niall

Zayn came back shortly after with Liam

"Oh look who's here" Liam said as he approached us

He came by my side and he surprised me when he hugged me

"Our lil champion" he said giggling while hugging me

I giggled too

"How are you?" He asked with a smile forming in his face

"I'm great, how are you?" I asked smiling back

"I'm good" he grabbed my hand

"Come let me get you a drink" he didn't give me a chance to protest he kept holding me while passing through the crowd, the place was full of people

We reached the kitchen and he let go of my hand,
it was quiet here no one was actually here

I looked around and I said
"I don't think we're supposed to come here"

"It's ok" he said while getting two cups and filling them with drinks

I looked at him confused and he added "that's actually my house"

"Oh" I felt embarrassed I didn't even know it was his party

"I was quite surprised when Zayn told me you're here" he said while looking at me and handing me a drink

"I came with my friend Brandi I hope it's ok" I said while sipping the drink

"Of course it is" he said while grinning

I smiled and I looked down at the drink in my hand his eyes were making me feel exposed, I felt naked although I was pretty much dressed but the way he's looking at me it's like he's looking through my soul

I felt slightly uncomfortable

"I think I'll go back to Brandi she's probably worried about me" I said

"She probably didn't notice that you left" he teased

he was right with Niall by her side I bet she didn't actually realize that I left

"You're probably right" I shrugged

"So are coming to the beach tomorrow?" He asked
I felt bad for feeling uncomfortable earlier he was probably just trying to be friendly

"I actually am, I'm going with Brandi and Niall's friends" I stopped talking when I realized by friends he actually meant Liam and Zayn

"Oh now that I think about it I think we're all going to the beach together" I giggled

"Yeah I guess so" he giggled too

I heard voices of people coming to the kitchen

When I turned it was Harry and a girl I already met last weekend at the beach Nichole was her name? I immediately turned around I know he will notice me since we're 4 people in the kitchen but whatever I still turned giving him my back

"Oh it's you" Nichole screamed she came by my side and she hugged me I was surprised my the affection I get from this group of friends

"It's me" I said giggling

I could see Harry's confused look from the corner of my eyes

"You're coming tomorrow right?"

"Coming where?" Harry asked

"To the beach" Nichole said like it was an obvious thing

"Yeah I am" I said to her

"Why will she go?" Harry asked rudely

"Don't be rude Harry" Nichole snapped

"No I'm serious why will she?" He said in a harsh tone

Why is he being mean I was feeling offended but it's not like he's going and it's non of business

"Stop it mate" Liam threatened he looked mad

"And how do you guys even know her" he said throwing his hands in the air

Why is he starting a fight I remained silent looking at both Liam and Nichole waiting from the to respond

"We met her last week at the beach" Nichole answered simply

"C'mon lets go" Liam held my hands again as he walked me out of the kitchen but I was stopped by another hands pulling me back

I turned my head

"Come with me" he said demanding more than asking

"Let go of her" Liam said still not letting go of my hand

"I think she can speak for herself" Harry said I can see the anger in his eyes I didn't want them to fight

"Come I want to talk to you" Harry said again

"You don't have to go with him" Liam pushed from the other side

I suddenly got mad

"Let go of me" I said as I freed my hand from theirs

"I'm not your toy here" I yelled at them both and I walked out of the house

Both of them we're pissing me off at the moment I know I had to wait for Brandi I wasn't planning on leaving yet I just wanted some fresh air

I sat on the steps in front of the door as I rested my head over my knees it was a beautiful day outside I looked up at the sky it was so peaceful and quiet here, I heard the door open behind me but I didn't turn

"I knew I'll find you here" Harry said as he came and sat next to me

"Why were you looking for me, I thought I'm just an employe at your grandfathers magazine" I said that as I rolled my eyes

"Intern" he corrected

"Shut up" I said as I pushed him not harshly though

"Can you leave it was way too peaceful before you came" I said not looking at him as I rested my head on my knees again

"You can't tell me what to do" he said he sounded like he's teasing

"If you're not leaving then I am" I said as I stood, I didn't have time for his games

I started walking to a small garden at the corner of the house

"Bella wait" he said as he followed me

I ignored him and I crossed me arms over my chest it was getting colder, he kept following me till I reached the end of the garden and I was standing behind a wall

"What do you want?" I yelled

He came closer and I was pinned to the wall

He balanced on one hand on the wall and he was too close to me

I was drawn to those green eyes no matter how hard I tried to deny it they are the most beautiful shade of green I've ever seen
but I won't be that girl that throws herself to a guy no matter how good looking he is, at least not again

"Stay away from Liam" he said with a straight face


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