Trust and Betrayal (Revised)

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Author's Note: Hello everyone :D This chapter was already written last year BUT it has a new beginning part. For those who have already read last year's version, this chapter has a few changes to it (plus the new beginning) and can also be used a refresher of where we left off, as we move forward so I can finally continue where I left off! (I'm also re-familiarizing myself with the last few chapters too, it's been a while) ^_^ Thanks for your patience! And for all the encouragement for me to keep going with this! xxx


Rose squirmed in her stiff uniform. The air in the Millennium Falcon was too dry, especially compared to the mountain air back home. Now her skin was itchy. It could have been the hot water of the mountain springs. She'd forgotten to put oils on her skin after soaking in the hot pool. The memory made her nostalgic, she missed home already and she'd only just left a few hours ago.

She headed down a meticulously clean corridor of the large dreadnaught her and Finn landed the Falcon on. This was where Rey's beacon had led them to, although they couldn't get an audio response from her, even when they were in comm range.

"This is weird," Finn said under his breath. He looked about as gloomy as Rose felt, perhaps because they were back to the reality of war. He had enjoyed playing with her cousins so much and she got to see a side of him she'd never seen before. He was great with kids.

She shook her head to dispel the thought, not liking the direction her mind was taking lately. She'd been trying really hard all day not to think about the way Finn had looked at her in her Festival dress. She wanted there to be more between them, but a man's physical attraction to a girl didn't mean his heart was in it. She didn't want to get her hopes up. Even after the kiss, she wasn't yet convinced that Finn had fully let go of Rey.

"Do you think Kylo discovered the beacon and planted it here?" she said to Finn, looking down at the tracking device they were following to get to the beacon. "Maybe Rey isn't even here."

Suddenly the little dot on the screen jumped to another spot and she stopped. "How is that possible."

"What?" Finn stopped too.

"The beacon moved. It's not even on this ship."

"What?" Finn grabbed the tracking device from Rose. "I knew this thing was cheap. Well, we know we're close at least. Looks like it's just on another ship on this planet." Just then, a cheer rose up from a crowd far off. It seemed to shake the very walls of the corridor they were in. Rose and Finn exchanged a questioning glance, then they hurried down the hall.


"Did the General just say Hux is her... Nephew?" Finn couldn't believe what he'd just heard.

"You heard my Nephew," General Leia had said into the microphone. "Let's crush this Ruling Order once and for all!"

Rose looked more concerned than shocked, but she said nothing. They stood at the back of the gathering space, still staring forward at the now empty podium. A group of pilots, both First Order and Resistance, pushed past him in their hurry to get to their stations. They discussed battle plan details as they went.

"What in the world is going on?" Rose said, likely thinking the same thing Finn was thinking. Why were the pilots working together?

"I don't know." Finn's eyes scanned the large open space for Rey, but he didn't see her. He couldn't figure this out. What had happened here in the short time they'd been gone? Had the First Order brainwashed General Leia, bringing the rest of the Resistance over to the dark side? There's no way Rey would fall for this kind of insanity.

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