"Let Go of the Past"

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Author's Note: Dec. 24, 2017: Here's the next chapter! Posted early, for @Taniamiraculous ^_^  Please note I won't be posting tomorrow since it is Christmas, but I'll get started again afterwards! Thanks for reading :D


Black clouds roll in, overtaking the bright green sky on the horizon; the same green as Luke's lightsaber. I've never seen such menacing clouds on Jakku, or such a green sky. Lightning splits across the horizon and I throw my hand up to cover my eyes. I'm close to home. I recognize this hill and the small cliff side to my left. 

A gust of wind circles around me, throwing sand in my face. I run in the direction of the old AT-AT Walker, holding my arm up so I don't get dust in my eyes. I know my way back home, even with my eyes closed.

Once I reach the AT-AT I jump inside and shut the metal door. I grab for the barricade which I usually have to the right of the door, that I jam in the round door frame when there is a storm, but it's not where I last left it. I reach for my candle and igniter to make some light, but they're also not in their spot.

It's pitch dark in the AT-AT and I take a moment to orient myself. I take out my lightsaber and turn it on. Red light envelops the room. Why is my lightsaber red?

I search for the candle and igniter. Everything is misplaced. A lamp is on the shelf that usually holds my drink bottles. I don't remember ever having a lamp like it before. I push a button on the front and it lights up the room. I put my lightsaber away and glance around.

My bed is still in the same spot, but the cooking stove has been moved and a long table put in its place, with two low seats in front of it. I glace to the right. My handmade doll is missing.

"No..." I look around frantically. Where is it? Why is everything different? I step on something and look down. It is a toy replica of a TIE fighter. I pick it up and then notice all the other toy spaceships lined on the shelves in front of me. A lady's dress is laid out at the foot of my bed and above it, a metal stand hangs down from the ceiling, which looks like a miniature tree with branches covered in tiny lights. I flip a switch on the bottom and the tiny lights turn on.

Has someone moved into my home? By the looks of it, it's a mother and her young son. I set the TIE fighter toy down on the table and sit on the floor. At least they're civilized and have cleaned up the place, and will take care of it.

I untie my outer robe, the air hot and muggy in the small, confined space. How did I live here for so long and not feel like it was too crowded? Maybe all the traveling in space and large space crafts have spoiled me now.

I turn fast, remembering my markings on the wall. My shoulders relax when I see that they're still there. The scratches look endless, there are so many. Were there always so many? Each scratch in the metal feels like a scrap on my heart. Poe said I don't give up easily. Seeing the wall now, I know he's right. But was my hope all in vain?

A loud bang startles me and I get up off the floor, reaching for my lightsaber.

The door swings open, letting in a gust of wind which rattles the many model planes on the shelves. A woman in ragged clothing shoves a small, blonde boy into the AT-AT, not noticing me at first. I freeze, wanting to hide but unable to.

The boy sees me first and his eyes go wide. He says something in a language I don't recognize.

"I'm sorry." I hold my hands out in front of me, to show them that I'm not armed. My hands are covered in dirt and so are my clothes. I must look like a robber to them.

The mother says nothing, eyeing me suspiciously. She pulls her son close to her.

"I'm sorry," I say, again. "I didn't know anyone else was living here. I used to live here."

The Last Jedi: The Spark of RebellionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora