"Master Skyjumper"

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HUX (Orbit of Cantonica)

General Armitage Hux took a sip of the Corellian brandy in his glass. He looked down at the planet below, Cantonica, and smirked. He had no desire to be down there with all those worthless tourists. Anyone could recognize him as the General of the First Order and try to do away with him. It was safer up here in the ship. Ren could take care of the weapons inspections.

"Sir," Marshal Von Asch The Third said to him. "One of our shuttles has just docked."

For a second Hux became alarmed. But it was probably just Ren, returning to go brood in his quarters. Who would steal a First Order shuttle and fly it up here anyway? He thought of FN2187, that infuriating ex-storm trooper who had, once again, gotten away from them. The Resistance likely now thought Hux was dead, from when his ship was blown up. But other than the burns on one side of his face, he was fine.

All the more reason to stay up here, where it was safe. Let everyone think he died. Then he'd surprise them all when he stepped into his rightful role as Supreme Leader. 

All in good time.

A beeping drew him from his thoughts and he turned to see the black BB-unit, which Phasma had put in charge of the ship's maintenance, roll up to him. Hux frowned. The BB-unit was a useless droid that just tripped him up whenever he was walking.

"Sir," the Vice Marshal said to Hux. "The droid says she's got important information for you." 

Hux looked down at the man from his position on the bridge's command platform. 

"What is it?" he said, turning to the droid. 

It started beeping and Hux's shoulders stiffened. He hated the droid. It reminded him of that irritating white BB-unit which rolled around with the Resistance; the one that had helped FN2187 escape, again. But its evil counterpart, BB-9E, which now worked for the First Order, could potentially help them decode and interrogate the Resistance's white BB-unit, if they ever captured it.

BB-9E continued its serious of random beeps and Hux held back a sigh. Why was he the only one on board who didn't seem to understand this basic robot language?

"What did the droid say?" he growled to a commander nearby.

"Kylo Ren wants you to oversee the weapons acquisition," the commander responded. "And there is a rumor of a rebel group forming in Canto Bight."

How anyone could get that information from a sequence of beeps, Hux would never understand.

"A Rebel group?" he asked. "What sort of Rebel group?"

"I'm not sure, Sir."

The robot let out another array of beeps and Hux looked to the commander for the translation.

"She says, the Rebel group is believed to be in alliance with the Resistance."

"There is no Resistance," Hux spat. "Only a handful of weak failures who will be found and terminated soon enough."

"Yes, Sir."

"Prepare a shuttle. I'll head down to the surface myself."


Temiri ran through the narrow alleyways of the rundown part of the city, where the servants came to shop and keep their night dwellings. Even these back alleys, of the roughest parts of Canto Bight, were decorated and festive. Strings of lights hung between the apartments above the shops and reflected in the windows. It was harder to see the lights in the day, but at night they looked magical.

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