Help me I'm poor...

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"Ugh I'm so tired!" Yuri sighed as we dragged our selves up the metal stairs of the faded pink apartment block. We had just finished our first day at Ouran, after boarding two busses and a train we finally found ourselves back at our uncle's dingy flat.

"Transport is such a bother" I mumbled, digging around in my small bookbag for the keyes. After unlocking the easily pickable lock, I kicked the door open to reveal a dark, empty house. Although it was Uncle's place, he was never around since he was in rehab, the key we owned was the spare one we nicked from him before he disappeared.

"Whatsfordinner?" Yuri mumbled into her pillow as she collapsed on the mattress in the living room.

"Lets order a pizza" I yawned, stooping down to punch a code into the safe tucked under the sink, only to be disappointed.

"god damnit!" I cursed as I counted the petty amount of cash, "we're gonna have to get some money" I sighed, running a hand through my tired hair. Why couldn't I just relax and eat pizza and fall into an eternal coma?

"Mamamia" Yuri muttered, crawling off of the mattress and grabbed her coat, pulling it on groggily. "Better go before the store closes" she pushed open the front door, raising her eyebrows expectantly.

"Let's go!" I mimicked Mario's voice as we headed out the door. Humming the super-Mario theme song as we clanged back down the cold stairs.

"C'mon" Yuri took my freezing hand and led me down the street towards the local shopping centre.

"What a pain..." I mumbled into my rough scarf.

"Amen sister" She mumbled back.


I shifted my weight awkwardly as we stood outside the small convenience store, I really wasn't in the mood for shoplifting after a long day.

"Lets do this" Yuri flashed a sharp smile at me, trying to make humour of the situation. Thanks to the cool air nipping at my cheeks I had a little bit of adrenaline to keep me going.

"Let's do this" I repeated, nudging her with my shoulder as we swagged through the auto doors. I stood stationary for a moment, scanning the shop (looking more suspicious than intended) until Yuri nudged me, "over there" she breathed, nodding to the far left corner. I 'inconspicuously' made my way over, browsing items on the shelves until I got to the desired location.

Peeking over my shoulder, I found that we were in one of the security camera's blind spot. perfect. This would be a synch. It was sheer luck that the blind spot was in the canned goods section.

I opened the satchel and started stuffing the various cans of food in. The goods weren't exactly five star but it was all we could get considering the pesky camera.

"Get enough so that we don't have to come back for a couple months" Yuri stooped down to speak into my ear.

"What are you, a polar bear?" I snorted, "gonna hibernate for the winter?"

Yuri opened her mouth to retort but stopped short when figure appeared at the other end of the isle.

"What are you two doing?" The accusation in her voice sent chills down my spine.

"Eh?!" I jumped back in shock before tripping over my own two feet and landing roughly on my butt. In terms of survival skills, I was frankly about as good as a fainting goat. Dang it, Yuri was meant to be keeping guard.

"You?!" Yuri exclaimed, staring up at the witness, her voice heavy with somewhat betrayal. I squinted a little, the brunette's face rung a bell but I still had trouble remembering. The girl's dead pan gaze was alternating between the two of us, expecting an explanation.

Yuki & Yuri with a cherry on top - OHSHC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now