The group continued to follow Lion as they headed to Herobrine's Mansion. They had got directions to Herobrine's place from a mob thst lived there. And since Lion speant most of his lofe there, they decided that he would lead the way.They had to fight some mob which took them as threats, but with all the people they had they made it through without hurting them too much aswell.. After a while, they decided to take a break.
"Dang. Its taking forever to get to that mansion," Mitch moaned,"I wish we could just Teleport there."
"I wish you'd stop complaining," Lion mumbled.
"I would agree with you Benja," Slisa said," But we have two problems. 1) Kitty cat can't teleport and 2) Endermen can't teleport directly to places they've never seen or been to. And I don't think either Ender or Max have been there," Slisa said.

"I'm a cat, not a," Lion said

"Still a cat," Slisa teased.

"Shut up dog," Lion said,

"Not a dog, Wolf," Slisa responded.

"Still a dog," Lion smirked. Slisa pouted and looked away.
"Whatever kitty cat," Slisa said.

"Don't call me kitty cat, Dog," Lion said.

"You guys done?" Jerome asked.

"You guys are arguing like a married couple," Mitch said, rolling his eyes.

"WE'RE NOT A COUPLE!" Lion and Slisa yelled back.

Steven sighed and got up.

"Where are you going?" Ender asked.

"I wanna pee," Steven said.

"TMI Dude," Adam said.

"Well do it and hurry back, We gotta get moving," Lion said. Steven nodded and left.

Steven found a private spot. He pulled down his pants and started doing his business in a lava pool nearby. He sighed in relief as he had been holding it in for a while now. After a few minutes, he heard something. He turned his head and looked around. Nothing. So he went back to emptying his bladder. Once he was done, he zipped up his pants and was about to leave when he heard something again. This time he looked more thoroughly. He heard another sound near the rock which hid him.

"Hello?" he said," Anyone there?" he asked as he walked towards the area. He didn't even have time to scream. One minute, he was walking towards the area, then next, a diamond sword was to his neck.
"Don't speak. Or i'll kill you where you stand," The person holding the sword said. Steven gulped. The voice sounded feminine.

'Why does this always happen to me!' He asked himself," L-look. I don't want any trouble," He said. He just got the sword more up on his neck.
"What did i just say," she said. Steven looked up and saw red glowing eyes staring into his soul. He gulped again.

"Do you know how disgusting that was? I wish i could wipe my memory," she said.
"From......what exactly?" Steven asked quietly.
"FROM WATCHING YOU PISS!" she yelled. He froze up.

"You saw that?" He asked.

"Well duh. You came right where I was. What is up with you. You could have checked to see if anyone was here before doing that," she said.
"Hey. I'm sorry. Its not like i wanted you to see me. I though this place was private," Steven said.
"Well it obviously wasn't," she said, letting Steven go, then pointed her sword at him instead," If you one of Herobrine's guards, ill kill you where you stand. Don't underestimate me." Steven started to back away, but tripped on a rock and landed on his butt instead.

"I promise i wont," He said," Just please don't kill me. Otherwise Mitch will have your head himself." He said the last part to himself. She looked at him surprised.

"What was that?" she asked," Did you just say Mitch?"

"Um.......y-yeah," he said.
"As in the BajanCanadian?" she asked again.
"T-thats correct," Steven said,"D-do you know him?"
"Whats your name?" she asked, avoiding his question.
"S-Steven," he replied. She gasped and dropped her sword, her eyes turned brown.
"SLAMACOW!" she yelled and hugged him. Slama was surprised.
"Um who are you?" he asked. she let him go and looked him in the eye. She had blonde hair and black headphones, a white sleeveless shirt with black bands around her wrist, black short pants and black boots.
"So you cant remember me?" she asked pouting," Its me. Psycho girl."

"Psycho girl?" Mitch exclaimed when he saw both his brother and their past friend. He always imagined his little brother coming home with a girl to call his, and this was the girl that Steven had liked for years when they were younger. A brave fighter, a strong personality and the mission to let boys know that girls were better.
"Yo. Whats up?" She asked.
"What is up with new people popping out of nowhere!" Lion yelled.
"Be nice," Slisa said," So. Steven got himself a girlfriend huh?" Steven blushed an looked away.
"Were just childhood friends is all," he said.
"But still, never expected to see you here," Adam said," What business do you have in the nether anyway?"
"I'm looking for Herobrine," she replied.
"How come?" Jerome asked.
"He and I have some unfinished business to take care of," she replied.
"Well, were on our way there. If you wanna join us, you can," Slisa smiled," Plus, it'll be nice not being the only girl."
"That would be great," Psycho said, smiling.

"Well, were here," Slisa announced. She was right. They had finally gotten to there destination.
"Herobrine's mansion," Jerome gasped.
"Its huge!" Mitch exclaimed.
"Common. lets get inside," Lion said.
"Fine by me. I'm getting fed up of this stinking place," Slisa said. Psycho kept quiet. Steven looked at her.
"Hey. You ok?" he asked. She quickly looked at him and smiled.
"I'm fine lets go in," She said, walking past him. Steven was about to question her again but decided against it and walked in. He met the others inside.
"Where is he?" Mitch asked, looking around.
"I don't really know," Lion said, also looking around.
"Maybe he's not home?" Jerome suggested.
"Nope. Hes here," Psycho said keeping an eye out. Steven was about to ask her why but then got his answer. He could'nt blink before it happened.


Herobrine and Psycho were clashing swords.
"WHAT THE HECK!" Adam yelled. Steven, who was standing next to Psycho, was blown away by the impact. So surprised as to what was going on.
"STEVEN MOVE!" Lion yelled at him. The two were drawing near to him in their own duel. Steven tried to move, but he felt like his body went stiff. He couldn't take his eyes off the fight. He couldn't understand what was going on. He suddenly shouted something that surprised everyone, including himself.


Herobrine instantly turned to look at him in surprise.

"Slamacow?" he asked.

Slisa-AND THATS CONCLUDES THAT CHAPTER! Thanks for reading! Hop yeall enjoyed the chappie. CLIFFHANGERS 4 LYFE!

The Last Mob Whisperer (Being Rewritten As Another Book)Where stories live. Discover now