Shadow: Alarming Revelation

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Did I forget to do something? I wonder, frowning into my pillow. After a minute, I sit up, sure that I did and realizing sleep isn't going to come back. Tugging my blanket over my shoulders and getting comfortable, I sift through my memories of the previous day, searching for the missing detail. I scrutinize my memories of waking, eating breakfast, heading to the training room, getting Tower's urgent request, and, finally, going on yesterday's mission to get Eclipse. Something bothers me about that one, but I can't figure it out what it is. I move on to my escorting of and conversations with Eclipse, yet I'm dragged back to the mission again by some force of the mind.

There's something wrong with what I did here; I'm sure of it. I check my conduct, my reactions, my thoughts, and my process, but even my photographic memory isn't enough to decipher this annoying, worrying feeling. Was it the helicopter? Was I wrong to come back before I searched for it? I don't think that was--!

I gasp, understanding flooding into me. The Chaos signals! The four Chaos signals! I completely forgot! A sudden dread nips my icy veins.

I initially thought they were the Dark Arms... Was Eclipse lying when he said they weren't near? Is it possible that, even when I'm examining his mind, he can manipulate me? Can he lie while in mental contact? My eyes flit fretfully across the bed beneath me, but I'm so concerned I don't even notice. I never thought that was possible, but Eclipse was created to destroy me. He can already undo my conscious connection to Chaos with his blocking field; this may be one of his abilities! I bolt into a standing position, adrenaline thudding through my body.

What should I do? Should I immediately go to someone, so the Commander will know this even if I succumb to mind control, if that's what's happening? Or, should I confront Eclipse directly? I discount the latter solution after a moment of thought, knowing that, if my fears are founded, I might lose my only chance of freedom from the mental manipulation. With a shiver, I dress as quickly as I can, dashing out of G.U.N. to Rouge's house. I waste no time, teleporting out of the building and hightailing myself through the night. I'm well aware that the hivemind's power decreases with distance, so Rouge, living away from G.U.N., is my best bet. Also, she can defend herself from me if I somehow lose control.

It takes me less than a minute to arrive. I teleport directly in, appearing outside Rouge's room and knocking hard on the door frame. Too hard--I accidentally leave a few splintery dents from my enhanced strength in my haste. Rouge flinches at the loud sound, leaps out of bed, and is halfway to kicking my face in before she recognizes me.

"Shadow!" She exclaims, and I catch her foot warily, before it tries to break my jaw. "Why are you here?!"

"I think I may be under Eclipse's influence," I begin, and she, after a start, nods, whipping out her communicator.

"Okay. I'll record your words just in case," Rouge says, then looks at me, seeming surprisingly collected considering she's only been awake for about ten seconds. "Tell me everything." I do, explaining my suspicions of the Chaos signals and how odd it is for me to overlook something like them. I also mention my worry that Eclipse might be able to manipulate his memories to tell lies through mental contact. Once I've told her my concerns, I relax, knowing she'll get the information to the Commander no matter what happens.

"We really should tell ol' Abe this," Rouge points out, and I wince at her informality regarding Commander Tower.

"I know," I reply. "But, he won't be at G.U.N. until 7. That's 3 hours from now."

"Pfft, hun, you forgot I'm a spy!" Rouge laughs, giving me a rather large wink. "I know where he lives, don't worry."

"No. It's too dangerous," I object, about to explain just how bad an idea it is for a potentially unstable weapon to be near his superior without guards, but she cuts me off.

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