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~Willow's POV~

I stare up at the ceiling, failing at falling asleep. I shift around hoping to get more comfortable and fall asleep, but it's not happening. I sit up and groan, this is impossible.

Maybe I just need a glass of water. I think, rolling out of bed. Literally rolling. I land on the soft carpet and sit there for a moment, wondering if this actually worth it. I eventually stand up and exit my bedroom.

I tiptoe down the hall and the stairs. I put my hands in front of me feeling for a light switch of sorts.

Out of nowhere some hand covers my mouth while another wraps around my waist. I let out a shriek of surprise—that's muffled by the hand—and twist around to get out of their grip.

"Shh! Calm down Willow, it's me, Amanda."

She lets go of me and I whirl around only to see darkness. "Why the hell would you do that you bitch?!" I whisper shout.

"Cause your reaction was hilarious."

I slap her arm, glaring at her. "How'd you know it was me?"

"Danielle doesn't shriek that girly." She replies rubbing her arm where I slapped it.

"Point proven."

All of a sudden lights flood the once dark room. Danielle stands next to a light switch, with a tired look. "What are you two doing?"

I point to Amanda, "She started it."

"Did not!"

"You're the one that scared me!"

"Like I was supposed to resist that temptation! You were wandering around in the darkness! I was not going to waste an opportunity!"

"Shut up! Both of you!" Danielle whisper shouts. She puts her hand on her hips, "What are you guys? Five?"

"I'm a five year old in a woman's body." Amanda answers, sticking her tongue out at Danielle.

Danielle sighs and rubs her eyes, "Anyways why are you up? It's two in the morning."

"Couldn't sleep." I state shrugging my shoulders. Amanda nods her head, agreeing with my statement.

Danielle sighs and walks into the kitchen. We follow her and see her making three cups of water. She hands one to Amanda then me.

I accept it from her saying, "You're not my mom."

"I'm your older sister."

"By ten seconds!"

"Still older."

Amanda sips her drink, "This is why I don't talk to my sister anymore."

"Just because the two of your argued, does not mean you shouldn't talk to each other." Danielle says, ending our argument.

"It wasn't just the arguing," Amanda states sadly, "there were other factors. I could've have gotten along fine with the arguing, everybody does that."

"Go on." Danielle says gently. I think this might the most Amanda has ever talked about Skylar.

Amanda sighs and puts down her glass. "She was always Mom and Dad's favorite. Anything she did she got continuous praise for it. Even when she did something bad, she barely even got scolded for it. But me, the second I did something even slightly bad, I was in big ass trouble."

She sits down on the countertop, "She was the perfect daughter: straight A's, never got detention, volunteered, went to college." She sighs, "And then there's me: got C's and B's, got detention multiple times, never volunteered, went to college, but in my parents opinion, I got the wrong degree."

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