"What?" I ask, frowning when Fred pulled me down the corridor. "Look Fred,  I really don't have time for this," I tell him, yanking my arm away.

He and George stood in front of me, blocking my way. "Look, Y/N, we know you have testing, and we apologise," George begins. "But we really need you to join us with this," Fred adds, moving aside. "We're leaving Hogwarts today. We're doing flying fireworks that'll chase after Umbridge," George explains. Fred pointed at me. "And we need you to join us."

"But why?" I ask, frowning deeply. "Unlike you, I don't have a wizarding family to go home to. I have to stay here with 'Mione and quite frankly, I'd like to graduate. Our parents would be livid if I left before I was supposed to and if I left my sister without a way home."

"What do you mean?" Fred asked, scratching his neck. "I mean," I say, pushing past the twins. "That Hermione is fifteen years old, where I am seventeen. I'm not going to leave her to ride the train home because I did something as idiotic as leaving with only a few weeks left in school."

"But you can come back for her!" George shouts, pulling me with them. "No I can not! I'm not leaving her here in the first place!"

I turn and leave them. "I'm sorry boys. Keep in touch. I've got to make sure nothing happens to my sister," I tell them. Fred tried to pull me back. "Don't you trust her alone?" 

"Of course I do, it's others I don't trust. In case you haven't noticed, we're muggle born and we're not viewed very nicely by a lot of people. Now if you'll excuse me," I say, taking my arm back. "I'm gonna go take my tests so I can graduate."

I turned and left, ignoring the heartbroken look on his face. For weeks after, I would try and get that out of my head. For weeks after, I would wish I'd gone with them. For weeks after, I would try and block out the images of Sirius Black, the man who other than Remus and the Weasleys didn't care about mine and my sister's blood, fell back into the veil, a smile forever on his face.


~Two years later~

I've long since fled my home. I had to. 'Mione obliviated them, so neither of them know they have two daughters. Neither of them know the danger they're in.

I don't know where my sister went, she said she was going to school. But I highly doubt it, seeing that she hadn't written me back.

It's December, so whether she likes it or not, I'm going back to Hogwarts for the first time since I graduated.

I apparated, knowing I probably wasn't supposed to, right into the common room. I'm pretty sure I scared a couple of the younger students. "I'm sorry," I apologised quickly, taking slow steps toward them. The two closest to me eyed me wearily. "Who are you?" The girl asked, holding her wand out in front of her.

"I'm Y/N Granger, I used to be a student here. I was in Gryffindor," I explain, adding, "I graduated a couple years ago."

"Wait, did you say Granger?" One of the others, closer to the back, asked. "Yeah, why?" I ask hesitantly, realising soon enough that I recognised this person.

"Seamus!" I shout, running to him and hugging him. "Uh... hi," he replies, chuckling as he hugs back. "Where're the others?" I ask, knowing he'd probably know.

He looked around suspiciously before sighing. "It's not safe to say. Follow me." I nod and say goodbye to the two that I was speaking to. I followed the younger boy to the Room of Requirement, the very same from my seventh year where Dumbledore's Army met.

He went in first, holding the door open for me. "Guys, I found someone else... or rather, she found me," Seamus announces, laughing at his own words. "Y/N!" A majority of the room shouts my name, some of them coming forward and hugging me.

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