Chapter 3: Raindrops and Moonlight

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Payu called her mother, "Dustbin," for finishing the left over dinner.

The couples were playing a game in the restaurant. They were looking into each others eyes and the one who blinks were going to loose the game. The game ended in just 5 seconds when Payu, disturbed Papa with a phone call.

She was scared. There was no electricity at home. Sunil slowly asked her to relax.

"You are my brave girl." He exclaimed.

Pinky was looking at him as he was a Super Hero not only for her but also for their daughter. She was feeling blessed to have Sunil in her life. For a moment, she felt what if she would have married Vicky that day?

Vicky was a good friend and she would have been happy. But Sunil was special and her family life was a blessing with him. She thanked the Almighty and more than that thanked Vicky in her heart for sacrificing her for Sunil and their happiness.

Tears were rolling down but she wiped them. Sunil was busy with Payu, promising her an ice -cream treat at mid night in the Jungle Restaurant, near their home.

Rajath screamed : "

Sunil, Please treat us too and Sunil laughed promising them, a treat."

Rajath was from USA and he was trained to call elders by name. Rajath called Pinky and Sunil by name while Payu addressed her friend's parents with Uncle and Aunty salutation. Sunil had always taught her do "Namaste," and touch elders feet. So Payu was well mannered with the out side world but sometimes she would mouth her friends and call her parents by name, at times for fun.

She was at times chided by Mom but she had never raised her hand on their child. Sunil will sometimes emotionally black mail for bad manners but he never shouted at her. She was more comfortable with him and the father and the daughter duo were simply chatting and giggling, over the phone.

Sunil said bye and disconnected the line. He had butterflies fluttering in his tummy...

The hostess served them a Pineapple welcome drink and Pinky was finding it bland. She ordered wine and Paneer Chilly. Sunil could not eat spicy food so he ordered some kulcha and Paneer Makhanwala. She ordered a Tikka masala as she did not like sweet gravies. Both were contrast in food habits at times but Pinky mostly choose what her husband liked?

The colour and aroma of Tikka Masala was so tempting that Sunil tasted it. But he was intolerant to the spice and started sneezing. His eyes watered and the hostess ran to serve him water. Pinky gave an angry look and hostess left with her gesture. She poured chilled water and he drank it at a go. He did not feel like eating then. Pinky pulled her chair little closer and wiped his lips with the tissue. She slowly dipped the bread in the Makanwala gravy and fed him, till he was full. He was happy like a Purry cat after drinking milk and he also fed her the morsels of love. They ordered a bowl of Gulab Jamuns and without being diet conscious after eating one full jamun each, they passionately kissed eachother's lipswith the effect of mood lighting. The sugar syrup made that kiss sweet 😘😘😘😘

Sunil then stood up and requested for a mike. Pinky was surprised to see him walk flamboyantly to the middle of the restaurant and she knew he was just crazy today, carefree without worries of life. He was a proud hardworking man and a great husband. He was a smart father and a good son. Pinky was missing her mother in law now. Without her support and love, she wouldn't have seen this day. It was she who have nurtured Sunil into a beautiful human being.

Sunil announced :

"Ladies and gentlemen Attention please ...."

"On the occasion of our 20th Anniversary, I would like to thank my wife for falling in love with me. Our story was just a law of attraction. I was obsessed with her and I wanted her in my life. "

"The relationship started on a false note. I was the culprit. But my lie was caught but my intentions were good. "

Pinky snatched the mike before he said anything further...

She smiled and pulled him closer. She spontaneously kissed his forehead and it was the most pure feeling.

The spectators clapped and she said :

"And I am his wife today. I have no words to describe how our journey was?"

"I was never sad in our relationship.
He turned my tears into pearls of happiness. He is the best part of my life...I Love you Sunil..."

Sunil had tears in his eyes and he wiped it immediately.

He pulled the mike and said :

"Aaj ki Shaam Sunil and Pinky ke naam..."

He arranged for Cocktails and Pastries for the guests in the Sun and Sand Restaurant. Everyone congratulated them. A young girl in her twenties walked towards them and introduced herself as Marilyn.

She turned poetic :

Not all are blessed with true love;
Love is pure than a dove;
It is not that looks are wow;
Seeds of love you sow.

Ego and hatred let go;
Not all are blessed with true love;
For some it is like a TV show;
True love is what I owe;
God bless you and your soul...

She told Sunil that he looked like Ronit Roy and Pinky looked like Madhuri Dixit. Both were flattered with her words, though she was a stranger, they felt a hearty connection with her.

Pinky opened her diamond shredded, silver bangle and gifted it to Marilyn. The girl hesitated but Pinky convinced her that she was like her elder sister. Marilyn had lost her sister Blessy in a mishap,years back and Pinky looked like her. The bangle fitted the girl perfectly and she hugged Pinky with sisterly love and thanked her. She nodded her head towards Sunil and bade them bye.

The couples watched her walking till the end of the restaurant gate with Umbrella in a carefree mood.

"She is a pure soul."Pinky mused

"She is a beauty with good heart, broken into pieces," Sunil thought.

"God bless her." Sunil prayed

"Let her get a true love." Pinky asked her Almighty.

It was a memorable day for the couple.

Sunil and Pinky enjoyed the best time and walked hand in hand, glaring at the moon for sometime. The cold winds blew and the full moon casted a Romantic spell and the soul mates stood looking up in the sky.

Sunil hugged Pinky and water dripped from a Gulmohar tree where they stood as if God was showering their blessings.

Pinky reminded they had a young daughter, waiting at home. They drove home as fast as they could.

It was mid night when they reached home....

Payal and friends were fast asleep.

Sunil lifted Pinky in his arms to the Terrace. Pinky was looking into his brown almond eyes and he was balancing her like a Barbie Doll in hand. They reached the terrace, moon light witnessed their Romance....

They danced with their first duet song, of their time together in the dark night lit with light of their Romance:

Meine yeah Dil tumko diya
Oh meri Mehbooba
Tum bhi Karo
Kuch faisla
Oh mere Jaaneja

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