I like the Bartender

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We drove out to the club and it was pretty packed.

The music was making the car shake.

"So Trisha can get us in without the line." Darla told her husband as we parked.

We got out the car and walked to the bouncer.

We skipped a super long line. The line was wrapped around the building.

As soon as I was about to speak a very pretty girls purse bumped into me on accident.

I dont even think she noticed she had hit me she was waiting to talk to the bouncer as well, but she was behind me.

Her beauty was mesmerizing.

She had super long blonde hair almost down to her knees. She was in a gold dress that hugged her perfect body in all the right places. I almost felt jealous.

"Wow your hair is so long!" I heard Darla compliment as I talked to the bouncer.

She looked mesmerized too by the girl...

"Special guest of Marissa." I said to the big black man at the door.

"Red?" I heard a girly guy voice.

The girl with the long hair tapped me.

"It's me Mitchelle." He whispered the word Mitchelle.

"OH! What a coincidence I didn't even recognize you Marissa! You look great!" I said.

"You do too girl! You clean up nice!" He said.

He looks way better than me as a girl.

"These your friends?" He indicated to Dee & Mitchell.

I nodded.

"Biggy they're with me," He told the bouncer and we were let in.

When we got inside Marissa told us he had business to attend to and to enjoy ourselves.

This club was bumping!

Everyone was dancing a lot of people drinking and eating, some grossly making out...

There was a strong smell of marijuana and alcohol so I immediately knew that this club was live.

"Shots Ladies?" Mitchell offered breaking me out my thoughts.

What a great idea that was.

Me and Dee told him to hurry.

Darla and I then immediately began to dance together.

The song was like some techno mix, I wasn't sure but the beat was crazy.We started hitting our best moves, which probably were terrible and cracking up at each other. After a while Mitchell showed up with drinks just as I was showing off my booty shaking skills.

He was eyeing me with wide eyes, along with a few others whom attention I'd caught.

Darla Covered her husbands eyes so i took that as my cue to stop dancing and grab my drink.

"Finally." I said grabbing my shot he had in his hand.

"It was a long line at the bar, the bartender gets all the girls drinks first."

I downed it like it was nothing.

The burn felt good.

Dee & Mitch eyed me.

"That was straight vodka." Mitchell commented.

I grabbed his shot out his hand and downed it.

Right infront of herOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz