Therapeutic Brownies

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"I told you he was pathetic. I knew I'd win this bet too!" Darla said to me as she made me some of her famous therapeutic brownies.

I was seated at the kitchen table in her Red and black themed kitchen trying not to drop tears on her 7 month old daughter whom I was holding. Darla's house is way bigger than mine it has an upstairs with four bedrooms, a distinct living room and dining room and a basement....

My house basically puts a living room, a dining room , and a kitchen in one large room, and then there's my bedroom with an ensuite.

I have a basement but its unfinished and I havent been down there in years.

People use to think me and Darla were twins in high school, both 5'6, both wearing C-cups, both brunette , both white as hell, and inseparable. only thing to tell us apart was voice and eye color, Darla's eyes are Brown mine are a greenish hazel color. Now with my hair bleached and Dyed red Darla looks like my big sister after two kids, she has double D's and a mommy pudge, don't get me wrong it's a cute one! she can still rock a two piece! Her hair is almost to her ass because she barely has time to take a decent shower she cant go get it cut and her husband Mitchell is in the army so he works a lot.

I feel bad for abandoning her, I could never babysit because I had to take stupid EDDIE to work, or me and Eddie where going out.

I'm so stupid.

"I told Mitchell 10 months! He said no Eddies the one!" She was smiling. "Ha! Eddie was not! Like I said!"

I know you're wondering why Darla isn't more considerate but this was my 2nd boyfriend i've had in this year who has broke my heart. the past 5 years though Eddie is number 12 to break my heart and to use me, 7th to cheat on me and the 4th to last more than nine months.

Darla's as sick of me as I am with love!

I dont blame her either.

"You know Darla I always knew I liked Mitchell. He believes in true love!" I said.

Darla laughed.

I just glared.

"Red, You know I love you! But I just don't get you, all of Mitchell's successful very single friends have been interested in you, have all asked your name, asked you out, etc but it seems as if you wont let anybody into your life unless they're of the race of pathetic," she gave me her stern look. "Pathetic should be a race of all your past boyfriends." she added.

I laughed and sobbed at the same time.

I'm pretty good at a Lobb a laugh and a Sob.

You'd be surprised.

"I really thought Eddie was the one!" I sobbed.

"You really shouldn't let your heart go so fast, Did you guys sleep together?" she asked.

I froze.

Of course! I loved him! I slept with Eddie a lot. Eddie was honestly the best i'd ever had.

chubby guys are really overlooked.

"NO! we were waiting until marriage!" I said taken aback.

Lying through my teeth.

"Damn! Red you give your heart and your body too fast!" She scolded.

How did she know I was lying?!

"I waited with Eddie that's why I really thought he was for me....I waited until our seventh anniversary! SEVENTH! Seven months, no sex at the age of 23 in America in 2014... that's talented!" I said.

Right infront of herUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum