Chapter 19 - Silence

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I carried Lucy to one of the tables in the guild. She held my scarf for dear life as I sat down. Soon Gray, Gajeel, Levy, Sting and Rogue came over to our table, "are you doing alright Lucy?" Levy asks as she sits across from me and Lucy. Lucy simply nodded, "do you want anything to drink?" Gray asked and she just nodded her head. "What do you want to drink?" I asked but she didn't answer. "Do you want juice?" I asked and she nodded. I notice something seems to be wrong with her.

"Lucy, will you talk to us" Levy asked concerned, Lucy hid her face in my scarf as a response. "What's wrong Lucy?" Sting asked, Lucy shook her while still hiding her face in my scarf. "Why won't you talk to us Lucy?" I asked, although again I got no response.

"Don't put it against her, she can't help it" Gramps said as he came over to our table. "What do you mean Master?" Levy asked as Gramps jumped onto the table. "Lucy dear, can you look at me please" Gramps said, Lucy took her face out of my scarf and looked at him. "Does Pearl scare you?" he asked and Lucy replied by nodding quickly. "What does that have to do with Lucy's silent treatment?" I asked, very confused. "Pearl terrified Lucy enough to make Lucy lose her voice" Gramps explained. "Oh, I've read about how too much stress can make people lose their voice" Levy said.

"Is that why you can't speak Lucy?" Gray asked and Lucy nodded. I felt upset that I won't be able to hear Lucy's voice for a while. "How can we help Lucy?" I asked, "time can only tell" Gramps replied walking away from the table. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" I exclaimed, "figure it out moron" Gray said annoyed.

"What did you say Pervy Popsicle?!" I shouted, "I called you a moron Flame for Brains!" he shouted back. "Lucy come here" Levy cooed, taking Lucy off me, without me noticing, while I shouted "if anyone's a moron it's you!" "That makes no sense!" he argued back, "it makes more sense than you!" I shouted, and then we broke out into a fist fight.

"What did I say?" we froze when we hear Erza's stern voice. Gray and I tried to run away but Erza grabbed both of our shirt collars. We turned to look at her, shaking in terror, "what did I say about fighting when Lucy's around?" Erza said with a deathly aura. "S-S-S-orry E-E-Erza" we both stuttered in unison, "good" Erza said letting go of our shirt collars and walking away.

"I forgot to mention, I will be staying with you" Erza said turning back to us. "Why?!" I asked, "Lucy is living with too many men, she needs a female figure around" she replied. "You're a female?" I asked and that didn't go down well. Erza gave me a deadly glare, her eye almost twitching and her deadly aura bigger than usual. I realised I just dug my own grave, "well, it was nice knowing you" Gray said with sympathy. Erza beat me to a pulp and stomp her foot on top of my, in pained but alive, corpse.

Soon Gray, Erza, Sting, Rogue and I were about to leave with Lucy when Gajeel stopped us "hey I'm coming too, I want another round with that Iron Lady" he said. "There's already too many people, you can't come" I exclaimed, "too bad Salamander, I'm coming whether you like it or not" he replied. My glare with Gajeel was interrupted when I saw Lucy run back into the guild.

"What are you doing Lucy?" Sting asked. Lucy ran over to Levy and pulled her over to where we were. "Why did you bring me here, Lucy?" Levy asked, we were all confused. She pulled Levy passed us and walked with her holding hands. "I see" Erza said and Lucy stopped with Levy looking over at her. "She wants Levy to stay with us, is that right Lucy?" Erza asks and Lucy nods.

Now it makes sense, "are you sure? Won't I be a bother?" Levy asks. "Lucy wants you there, you won't be a bother!" I said smiling. "Then why the hell were you complaining earlier about there being too many people?!" Gajeel argued. "I don't know what you're talking about" I said, playing dumb.

While I argued with Gajeel, Lucy put her arms up, and started opening and closing her hands in front of Rogue. He picked her up and she yawned as she rested her head on Rogue's shoulder. Erza and Levy left to pick up their stuff and said they would meet us back at the house. Gajeel left with Levy to help carry her stuff.

In the end Gray, Sting, Rogue and I went to my place with Lucy. As we entered the door Happy, Lector and Frosch came running to us. "What took you guys so long?" Happy asked curiously. Gray and I explained what happened at the park to the exceeds. Rogue put Lucy down and went into the kitchen to make Tonkatsu with rice and vegetables. Lucy grabbed her plush dragon from the hammock before standing in front of Sting. She then put her arms up and started opening and closing her hands in front of him.

Sting had stars in his eyes as he couldn't contain his excitement. He happily picked her up, I heard him whisper "finally" with my Dragon Slayer hearing. I swear I heard Rogue chuckle from the kitchen, 'he must have heard him too' I thought chuckling.

Sting glared towards the kitchen and then sat down on the couch, placing Lucy on his lap. Lucy smiled widely when Sting picked up her dragon plush and started moving it around her as if it was flying while making dragon noises.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, "oi Salamander we're back" I heard Gajeel's muffled voice through the door. I opened the door and Erza, Levy and Gajeel came inside. "Seems like a party in here" Levy said "hey Lucy" she added. Lucy turned to Levy and waved while smiling. She then put her attention back to the dragon plush.

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