He walked back out of the closet and tried to climb into the bed, but the look I sent him stopped him. Chris knew I hated when he came on the bed with his sweaty ass. He needed to take a shower before he even thought about laying with me.

"You tripping man, first I can't hit and now I can't lay down in my own bed?" Chris kissed his teeth and stormed into the bathroom. Damn, what was his issue?

I rolled my eyes and climbed out of the bed so I could go downstairs and get started on dinner. I hardly cooked, but I felt like doing it tonight. Chris probably had a rough time at practice, and me cooking would make him feel better, well I hoped.

I walked into the pantry and grabbed a pack of multi colored pasta, a pack of feta cheese, and some Alfredo sauce.

I started cooking the pasta and jumped onto the island while I waited for our dinner to finish.

"Aye Dylan!" Chris's voice echoed throughout the house. What did this nigga want?

"I'm in the kitchen!" I yelled back. Chris's heavy feet hit the tiled floor as he walked into the kitchen.

"You cooking?" Chris asked with a raise of his eyebrows.

"Do you see the stove on? Duh."

"Aye don't get smart with me." He walked over to where I was sitting on the hard countertop and stood in front of me.

"What's wrong with you?" He mumbled while looking down at me. Chris was so tall man.

"I think you're addicted to sex baby." I laughed and gripped him by his goatee, tugging on the hairs gently.

"Hell nah! I just like sex, it's something I'm good at, it's a hobby of mine." I broke out in laughter at Chris's stupid ass. I wouldn't even lie, it was something he was amazing at.

"Well while you're practicing your hobby, we're gonna fool around and get pregnant.

"That wouldn't so bad, I want kids." Chris shrugged.

"I do too, but not right now."


"Definitely after the wedding, after I open a second gallery, a few years."

"As long as I get two kids I'm good." Chris turned around and turned off the oven so the pasta wouldn't burn.

"You want two boys?"

"I want a boy and a girl. Keep the balance and shit." He grabbed the Alfredo sauce and poured it into the pot and started to stir it. I thought I was the one cooking?

"Our girl is gonna be so beautiful babe." I sighed as I imagined Chris and I's babies. I knew I was a really blessed girl, and Chris was one of the most handsome men on the planet, there was no way our children weren't gonna be angels.

"Yeah she will, especially if she takes after you."

"Aw baby, come here." I cooed and held my arms apart so Chris could come over to me and hug me.

"You love me baby mama?"  Chris questioned while millimeters away from my face.

"More than anything."

Chris pressed his lips against mine and started tugging on my bottom lip with his bottom teeth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and linked my fingers.

"I love you too." Chris's hands crept to my thighs and separated them widely.

"No sex babe." I mumbled against his plump lips.

"We're not having sex, we're making love." He said while separating our lips. I stared at Chris with so much love in my eyes, I could cry. I loved this man more than anything.

"You gone let me make love to you baby?" He asked and started unbuttoning my Levi jeans. I nodded my head and grabbed the bottom hem of his shirt so I could see the tattoos I'd fallen in love with too.

"I can't hear you."

"Yes Chris, hurry up." I huffed and pulled Chris back to my lips by pulling his neck. I reached in between us and started tugging off our clothes. I wanted him right now.

"Don't rush me girl." His heavy hand landed on my exposed asscheek that was being held by my thong from PINK.

"Ow Chris!" I half moaned half shrieked. This nigga was so aggressive sometimes.

"Take off my pants." He demanded and stepped back with a smirk on his handsome face. I did as he said and pulled down his sweatpants and boxers to his knees. His thick long manhood stood at full attention.

"You want this baby?" Chris asked and grabbed his length in his hand. I nodded my head in response.

"Come sit your pretty ass on it then." He said. Ugh this man turned me on like no other.

I hopped off of the island and walked over to where Chris was standing watching me.

"We gotta go upstairs babe, we need to use a condom." I told Chris and grabbed his hand in mine.

"Damn I didn't think you were being serious! Bring the pasta upstairs, I'm gonna get hungry. "

"Oh good idea, I'll meet you upstairs." Chris nodded and walked out of the kitchen. I grabbed a large bowl and dished out the whole pot of fettuccine before grabbing two forks and following Chris to the bedroom.

I started eating forkfuls of the pasta as I padded up the stairs. Damn this pasta was good.

Chris was laying flat on his stomach when I walked into the bedroom, straight knocked out. I thought we were supposed to make love? Guess not.

I walked over to the bed just in my bra and panties and climbed on it so I could lay down on Chris.

"Gimme some food." He mumbled when I turned on the flat screen TV mounted onto the wall. I scooped up some pasta and brought the fork to Chris's mouth so he could eat. My baby was so tired, practice really wore him out.

"Want some more?" I asked Chris after I had a few forkfuls for myself. He nodded and opened his mouth wide.

Chris and I stayed in that position for the rest of the night, or until the rest of the food was gone. He ended up scooping my sleeping body up and tucking me under the blanket though.

Damn I loved my baby.

The Unexpected : (The Unknown Sequel) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now