Mind Over Enemy

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They were staring.

I could tell they were staring.

They were all staring.

Every eye in the hallway followed me as I walked beside Bella. They followed my every move, every step I took, every shift I had in my limbs. I could feel them craning their neck from their spot to keep their eyes trained on the weird phenomenon of Forks that is Strange Sophie Swan.

"Just ignore them," Bella muttered discreetly to me as we headed to Biology. I tried to give her a smile of reassurance but even I could see all the eyes unnerved her just as much as they unnerved me.

I grounded my teeth together.

It was my first day back in school after the accident; I was on leave because I needed time to recover---emotionally and physically. The holiday was long, but even after my time was over I asked to be homeschooled for a few days. They didn't say no. They couldn't. I flinched at the slightest bit of light, and I refused to speak to anyone. To them, I was officially and unequivocally traumatized, going through the accident that took my best friend's life when I was young sounded too emotionally scarring for them to refuse giving me a few more resting days.

But all happy days must come to an end---at least that's what I've learned.

The minute I stepped out of the car was the minute I became everybody's conversation topic.

Strange Sophie Swan who tried to kill herself is back.

With sweaty palms, a throat as dry as sandpaper, and knees that turned boneless the minute I stepped inside the main building, I tried to ignore the warning bells inside my head and the painful urge to just get the hell out of here. I'd only gotten through the front entrance before the students took notice of me, the Chief's daughter who died and came back to life.

Just breathe, Sophie, just breathe.

I caught sight of Tony standing with two of his friends, laughing at something one of them said joyously as he shook the rain from his hair. He punched one of them on the shoulder jokingly and then they started to roughhouse. It was a weird sight to see, I needed to remind myself that Tony had other friends.

He caught my eye and smiled, disentangling himself from his friend and waving him off, trying to straighten his clothes. I let myself feel some relief when he glided through the hallway towards Bella and I. It was like people stepped out of the way just for him, it was so easy for him---whereas me, I would bump and stumble against everyone in the hallway. But Tony, six-foot-something Tony, he crossed the entire hallway in three strides of his long ass legs.

"There you are!" He grinned and gave me a side-hug, ignoring my wince. Not a wince of pain, but one of uncomfortableness. It's been a long time since anyone touched me. Well, other than Dorian.

But I have missed him. Our last time together was way too sad, and we left off on a wistful note.

"Thank God you're back," He breathed as he gripped my shoulders and looked into my eyes seriously.

"You cannot believe how hellish school has been. Seriously, I'm not kidding. And my friends!" He shook his head hopelessly.

"You can only come up with the excuse to see your best friend so many times before one of your other friends gets offended," He scrunched up his nose.

"Or before they realize your best friend still hasn't come back to school." I said.

"Bottom line---it's good to have you back little Swan," He grinned affectionately, and then looked to the side where he spotted Bella. He made a surprised face like he just realized she was standing there.

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