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The next day, everyone was anxious because of Wendy's surgery. Although her operation was at 9 in the evening, the girls still went to the hospital that day to ease her nervousness. Only Joy, Seulgi and Irene were present because Yeri was needed at Jimin's office.

Joy is prancing back and forth infront of the bed while Irene and Seulgi is seated beside Wendy.

"Ah jinjja, aren't you going to stop that? You're making my head dizzy." Wendy said to Joy.

"Don't mind me. I'm just thinking."

"Then do it outside."

"Why is Suga-oppa not here yet? I'm getting nervous." Joy looked outside the door ignoring Wendy's protest, still no trace of Suga yet.

"It's nothing for sure." Irene answered. Suga has gone out for awhile now and hasn't come back yet.

Irene and Seulgi were nervous too but they can't show it infront of Wendy since Joy was doing it for them already, it might just add Wendy's nervousness.

Someone's phone rang that all of them got startled. Seulgi smiled apologetic holding her phone stating that it was hers, she excused herself and went outside Wendy's room before she answered the call. She can hear the girls shouting about 'love' 'cheesy' and 'no-jam'

"Hi bear" Jimin chuckled as if he heard the girl's "How's noona?"

"molla, We don't know if she's nervous or what, she doesn't show it. And hi to you too, have you had lunch yet?"

"I think it's because you're there that she's not scared. And to answer your question, no I haven't had lunch yet, our meeting just ended, I'm sorry I haven't called this morning."

Seulgi peaked at her wristwatch, it's already 2 in the afternoon. How can he endure not eating? For sure he only got coffee this morning.

"It's because of the engagement that's why you're swamped with work, right? I told you we can do it later, now--" Seulgi was cut off by Jimin.

"Don't tell me that you feel bad about it, I wanted it. It's the only way for you not to run away from me again."

Seulgi really felt bad. "I told you already I won't go anywhere."

"And it's not because of the engagement why I'm busy right now. It's the opening of the charity. It's just around the corner." He said assuring her. "And I know you won't go anywhere, When we get married, you won't have any reason to get away from me anymore that's why I want us to get married soon."

"The charity? Waah, Can I also go there?" Seulgi asked excitedly letting go of their topic about marriage.

"Of course, you're one of the guests there, you should come."

Seulgi beamed. "Okay. Ah! Can I also visit there from time to time?" Seulgi wants to spend time with the kids.

"If it will make you happy, why not?"

Seulgi smiled. "Thank you! I really want to go ever since."

"Ahh Now I'm worried, what if you have no time to spend with me if you'll always go?"

"Bwoya? Are you jealous to a child?" He's so childish but she still found it cute. "Don't feel down now. And I won't go home today so better eat your dinner okay?"

"Let's eat together, I'll stay with you there later."

"But you have work tomorrow, it's okay."

"No arguments Miss Kang, I'll stay with you and that's final. Now I have another meeting but I'll call you later, okay?"

Seulgi sighed at his bossiness but smiled nonetheless, she'd rather let him be bossy than get worried about her.

"Okay, I'll see you."

When Seulgi hanged up, she saw Suga walking towards Wendy's room.

"Oppa, where were you?" She asked when he came near.

"Ah, I was talking with her doctor, I'm sorry it took awhile."

"Her doctor? what did he say?" She was curious what they talked about, whether the surgery can possibly have complications or anything.

Suga smiled at her worried expression and answered. "He told me that there's nothing to worry about but I was too nervous to relax."

Seulgi sighed with relief. So he's worried but he doesn't show it, it  must be hard to him. He's trying not to show his expression since Wendy will surely be troubled.

"Hang in there oppa."

"Thanks." They both went inside and saw that Wendy was asleep while Joy and Irene were looking out for her.

Everything happened so fast, but maybe not for Wendy and Suga but when the night came, almost all of them were nervous. Wendy is already inside the operation room and her parents arrived earlier before she went inside so they were able to talk with her.

Everything was going well when they received a call from Taehyung, they are not in the hospital because Irene needs to rest. Everyone was startled when Taehyung told them that Irene is about to give birth.

One thing happened then another. They became chaotic but they sorted things calmly. Irene was sent to the hospital with Taehyung by her side, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Things happened in one night that when the morning came, all of them were exhausted but happy about the baby.


See you next update :)

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