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"Last time, you said to the reporters that there's nothing going on between us, what exactly did you say to them?" Seulgi whispered to him when they were already inside the theater,

Jimin just put his arms around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him, kising the top of her head before he looked at the big screen, the movie is just starting.

"yah~" Seulgi tapped his face. How she liked being in his arms is beyond her but she can't focus on the movie unless he tell her what's really happening.

Jimin looked down at her. "I just told them you're my girlfriend and I plan to marry you."

"What? Then why did you told me there's nothing going on between us?" She was frustrated back then...

Jimin chuckled. "You believed that? No wonder you didn't ask anymore." he ruffled her hair and pulled her even closer to his side.

Seulgi leaned her head to his shoulders and looked down at his hand. Now that she think about it..

"We're getting married but I didn't even get a proposal..." He knows what kind of proposal she want but he didn't even do it. She didn't even said 'yes' either. She must be the only girl in the world who is getting married without her knowing.

She also want to wear an engagement ring...

Jimin who keep on hearing his girlfriend complain silently as if doing it on purpose for him to hear didn't talk. He has many plans in his head that he want to carry out but now that she knew about the marriage, he'll take things slowly. He knows that they just got back together and some things are not clear yet but the time they were together is much longer than the time they broke up, even though he never really thought that they have broken up so marriage is to be expected, for his part anyway.

"Here." Jimin gave her pringles which Seulgi gladly accepted. She's nuts about pringles!

It was already open when she took the pringles. He must have opened it by himself.

They were both silent when they are watching the movie and Seulgi kept on munching her pringles, he can hear him chuckle from time to time because of her clumsiness. The time when Seulgi can't reach at the end of the can anymore, she turned it upside down so the chips could fall on her hands, as soon as it the chips fall Seulgi put it inside her mouth. Jimin saw her and was about to stop her but Seulgi is already chewing the food when she felt a small cold metal between her teeth. She was surprised, she thought it was something else so she spit the metal on the floor.

She looked at Jimin who has his fist in his mouth as if trying himself not to curse or what.

Seulgi looked down on the floor and saw that the metal shined even though it was dark in there, Seulgi anxiously pick the metal and saw that it was a ring!

Jimin picked the ring on her hand when she didn't do anything or said anything, she just looked at it. She only looked at the ring even when he took it from her hands. He cleaned the ring with his handkerchief and slowly hold her hand.

"Will you marry me? You can't say no anymore." he warned. Oh right, the news..

He gave her no choice but she doesn't care. Seulgi smiled at him. "Yes"

He slid the ring to her finger. His hands were shaking a bit but he was glad he was able to pull it off. Damn Taehyung for giving him ideas, she almost swallowed the ring!

Seulgi looked up to him with tears forming in her eyes they completely forgot the movie now and lost in their own world but the people around didn't seem to notice, a few maybe but they were not minding about their sorrounding anymore.

Love the Second Time Around (SeulMin)Where stories live. Discover now