Side Story

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2 years ago...

Jungkook smiled at the couple who were inside the cafe, talking to each other, mindless about their sorrounding. They look so in love.

He was tasked by the president to follow Jimin Hyung and be his right hand since he is new to the company. His relationship doesn't seem to be a secret and everday he discovers something new about his new boss.

It was the first time he saw his girlfriend though it was not in his agenda to be a chaperon of the two, it just happened that they were in the area where his boss' girlfriend is staying and seems like they don't have time to spare with each other so they take any chance they get to see each other. Jungkook realized that rich guys aren't full of air in their heads. Jimin hyung is humble and very easy to approach making it easy for Jungkook to talk to him. He doesn't even show that he's having a hard time infront of him or to his girlfriend despite being new in the business industry.

He was just inside the car outside the cafe but he can clearly see them through the glass window. His girlfriend looks so simple yet beautiful, like what Jungkook expected.

Both of them look so happy that Jungkook was confused when Jimin unexpectedly went to a bar and drink liqour, it was his first time witnessing his boss get drunk only to find out that he broke up with his girlfriend.

Wanting to forget about his girlfriend, Jimin asked for a woman's company. Jungkook can't bare to see the sight but he doesn't know what to do. It was that night that he saw Jimin's girlfriend at the bar but wasn't sure. Something's wrong.

If he could do something to help his boss then he'll do anything but despite following his girlfriend, it got him nowhere though he was sure about something, something's wrong with her health. He wanted to tell his boss about it but his boss acted like he was fine and didn't went to the bar anymore yet he was wrong. He regretted not telling about his girflfriend's situation after two years of hiding it from him but both of them look better now. He was eager to help Jimin but even after finding out about her condition, it was hard for him to say it, because what he found out was far heavy than he expected.

That's why he's happy for the two now that they've found each other again.

"Congratulations hyung." Jungkook tapped Jimin's shoulder while Jimin muttered his 'thanks'.

Both of them looked at the twins where they were placed in the incubator. Seulgi's still recovering from giving birth and though it was a tough fight, all three are healthy, Jimin hyung couldn't contain himself and cried in front of his wife saying 'thank you' over and over again while holding her in his arms.

Jungkook couldn't ask for more either.

Love the Second Time Around (SeulMin)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora