Part 40

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-Next Day-
"Darling, go back to bed and I will look after kids" Tom said stroking my hair. I didn't sleep much last night because I was listening out for Freddie, even though he was right next to me. He was good last night. Only woke up when he wanted feeding but I just couldn't go to sleep. "What if he wants feeding?" I responded. "Then I'll bring him in" Tom laughed. "Are you sure?". "I'm very sure" Tom replied getting up and taking Freddie out of the room. "Shall we go and wake up your sister?" He cooed at him. I smiled and went to sleep.

A couple hours later and I had awoken. I had a shower, got dressed and went down stairs. As I walked into the living room, I found Elodie and Freddie both asleep on Tom and unsurprisingly, Tom was asleep too! I snapped a picture and sent it to Nikki, with the caption "peace and quiet😂". I smiled to myself and then went and made myself a cup of tea and some toast. And boy did I need that toast as I was starving. Nikki texted back saying they were on their way round. I was excited for them to meet their grandson and nephew. Suddenly, Freddie started to cry. I quickly finished my toast and went into the living room. "Hello baba. Is someone hungry?" I cooed at him. I gently took him off Tom, careful not to wake him or Elodie and went and sat back in the kitchen and fed Freddie.

It wasn't long before the Holland family arrived. Considering we only lived 10 minutes down the road. "Ding dong". Tom woke up suddenly. "Shit!" He mumbled. He had one child but he didn't know where the other went. I got up and walked into the living room. He sighed a breath of relief when he saw Freddie in my arms. I just looked at him and laughed. "What" He said laughing too. I opened the door  and Nikki, Dom, Paddy, Harry, Sam and Elysia were all stood there with gifts. "Look at him" Paddy cooed as he walked in. "Hello Paddy" I laughed. "Yeah sorry. Hi y/n" he added. I walked back to where Tom was and sat down. Everyone came into the living room. "Oh y/n, Tom, he's beautiful" Nikki cried. I handed him to her. "Hello gorgeous. I'm your nanny" she cooed. "What's his name?" Dom asked us while stroking Freddie's head. "Freddie Parker Holland" Tom replied. "You had to put a bit of Spider-Man in didn't you" Harry said laughing while rolling his eyes. "Well you know, because I am Spider-Man" Tom replied. Everyone laughed. Elodie started to stir. "Uncle Harry?" She mumbled. "Yes darling" Harry responded. She stretched and then sat up and looked around. "UNCLE SAM!" She shouted. Sam was her favourite uncle from the Holland's side and Paddy and Harry came joint second. She ran over to him and gave him the biggest hug. "Hello sweetie" he laughed while hugging her back. Everyone was laughing. "Love you too Elodie" Harry and Paddy both said, laughing in unison.

Everyone had had cuddle before Freddie got hungry again. Dom cried when he held him and so did the others. I fed Freddie and then put him in his Moses basket. He started crying. When he did, Elodie went over to him and started stroking his head gently. "Don't worry, everything is okay" she said. He instantly calmed down and I began to cry. "Their bond is going to be unbreakable" Dom said hugging me.

A few hours later and there was another knock at the door. Tom went to open it. "Alright mate" Tom said. It must of been Harrison. And I was right. "Tessa would like to meet Freddie" he laughed. We had texted him to bring her home today. We wanted to introduce her to him as soon as possible. Harrison brought her over and she looked over into the Moses basket. Tessa sniffed Freddie and then she tried to snuggle into him. Tom took him out and held him. Tessa instantly gently put her head in his lap. "She is going to be very protective over you. Just like she is with your sister" Tom cooed to Freddie.

I went into the kitchen to make drinks and Harrison followed me. "I heard what happened with Mum" he said. I just shrugged. I couldn't care really. I had never been close with my parents or Charlotte. Only Harrison and the Holland's. I think it's because Harrison and I are so close in age and we did everything together and when we moved back to England, Nikki and Dom took us in like we were their own. I wanted to include my parents in my life but sometimes they were not co-operating. Dad and Charlotte had got better since I had Elodie but Mum hadn't. She still wanted things her way but she didn't realise that I wasn't going to be pushed around any longer. "Y/n I'm so sorry. I feel like this is my fault" Harrison said taking my hand. I turn to him. "Haz, it's not your fault. Mum thinks that she can rule us, but not anymore. I'm glad she's excited about your baby. So am I! I just hope she respects you more than she has me" I said hugging him. "I think as the Holland's as my parents. They were there for us when we moved. Not Mum or Dad. It's not Charlottes fault as she was only young when we left. And I want us to have a bond with her. That's why I have arranged for us three to go out next week on a sibling day out" he said pulling away and looking proud of himself. "Oh Harrison that is wonderful" I beamed.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now