Part 24

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I walked into Elodie's room. She was in the middle of dancing to "Let it go" from Frozen. It was her favourite film of all time. "Who is winning then?" I asked trying to sound happy. "ME!" Elodie shouted. Paddy and I laughed. "Right, who is ready to go to Legoland?" I said. "ME" Elodie and Paddy both shouted. "Come on! Let's go!". We all made our way into the living room. "Y/n, are you okay?" Harrison asked me. "Yeah I'm fine. I want to know who told them" I said. I could feel myself getting angry again. "I think I may know who" Tom said nodding outside. I looked out and saw Dad shouting at Charlotte. "How could she?" I whispered to myself.

As we were making our way to the car, Charlotte starting walking towards us. "Y/n, can I talk to you please?" She asked. "No sorry. We are on our way out" I bluntly said. "But it's important!" She said pleadingly. "If it's what I think it is then I don't want to hear it" I said shutting the door. "I didn't mean it!" She said through my window. "LEGOLAND HERE WE COME!" I shouted as Tom pulled off the drive. I looked back in the mirror and saw Charlotte crying. Tom held my hand and squeezed it. "I'm not okay, but I want to enjoy today. I feel bad for Paddy as he had to witness all of this" I whispered to Tom. "We will sort this out I promise" he whispered back.

An hour later, we finally arrived. "Did you pack the pushchair?" I asked suddenly. "No, were we meant to?" Harrison responded as he was getting out of the car. I opened the door and looked at him in fear. "Omg Haz, please say you're messing with me" I said still in shock. "I'm just messing with you" he laughed. "You little shit!" I said chucking an empty bottle at him. "Daddy, what is a little shit?" Elodie asked. Everyone stood there shocked. That was twice this week she had said bad words. "Elodie, please don't say that again okay? That is a bad word" Tom said taking her out of the car and putting her into the pushchair. "Like fuck?" She asked. "Yes! Now please don't say them again" he said kissing her forehead. "Tell Mummy off as well" she replied. "Y/n, please don't say that word again" Tom turned to me trying not to laugh. "I'm very sorry" I responded. "Yeah y/n" Elodie said laughing. "Oi, it's Mummy to you" I said tickling her.

"Daddy, can me, you, Uncle Paddy and Uncle Haz go on the helicopters please?" Elodie asked. "Of course darling, who would you like to go with as only two people are allowed in a helicopter" Tom asked her. "You" She said excitedly. "Okay" He said taking her out of her pushchair. "Race all of you to the line" Elodie shouted before running off. Paddy ran after her quickly, so did Harrison and I turned to Tom and went "follow!". I grabbed the pushchair and followed them too. As I got to the helicopters, I saw Tom helping Elodie on. She was excited bless her. I waved and smiled at her. Suddenly, my phone starting ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket. It was Charlotte. I declined and started taking videos and photos of all of them. It was funny watching them. They were all smiling and laughing. Even the baby was having fun by kicking me. I smiled. My phone started ringing again. I finally answered it. "What?" I said angrily. "Y/n, please let me explain" Charlotte begged. Everyone was getting off the helicopters and making their way back to me. I motioned for Tom to take the pushchair. I started walking off to a quieter place. "No, you have just caused a huge argument between Dad and I. Why Charlotte why?" I said on the verge of tears. "Because he's your father! He should walk you down the isle!" She shouted. "Yes and it's my decision, so if you can't respect that, then don't come to the wedding". "Y/n pl..." but before she could finished I ended the call.

Tom came up to me. "Are you okay?". "Never been better. Now come on, I want to go on the Vikings River!" I said while walking that way. I wasn't okay. My wedding day was going wrong already.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now