Part 35

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It was three months later and I was working my last day before my maternity. "Bye thank you!" I said happily as a customer walked out of the door. "Y/n! I am so going to miss you" Amy said while stocking up. "I'll be back before you know it. Plus at least I'm working my last day" I laughed. "That is true" she laughed too. With Elodie I didn't work my last shift as she came a month early. At least with this one, I have carried them for 9 months. And a week to my due date. I like to work to the last minute as I want to get as much money as possible to provide for them. Tom said I could live off his income but I want to earn my own money because then I feel like I am providing for my family. "How is Elodie?" Amy said pulling me out of my thoughts. "Cheeky as ever" I replied. "Is she excited for the new arrival?". "I think she is getting a little nervous and jealous because Eva and Harrison are also expecting too" I said. "Omg! Congratulations Auntie!" Amy beamed. "Thank you!".

I was excited to become an Auntie. Elodie was excited at first but then she got distance from Harrison and Eva. She finally told us she was scared Harrison wouldn't like her anymore. We explained to her that she would always be his favourite niece. She then got used to it. Mum, Dad and Charlotte were more excited to find out about Harrison and Eva than they were about me. It did hurt but then again, I was use to it. Harrison kept apologising but I told him it wasn't his fault and he needed to stop. Besides, I had Nikki and Dom. Eva had moved in with us and we were having the time of our lives but Tom and I decided it was time we moved out. So two months ago, we found a house and brought it. It had 5 bedrooms. One for Tom and I, one for Elodie, a nursery for the new baby and two guests rooms for when people wanted to come and stay. Harrison and Eva felt like they pushed us out, but they didn't. I wanted them to have the flat. "Y/n, seriously, we can move out" Harrison said to me. "Haz, my family is growing and yours is just starting" I responded. "Plus, we are only down the road and we have two guests room that have yours and the littles ones name on it" I smiled. He hugged me tight.

Everyone helped us move. Though no one would let Eva or myself help so we went out for the day. Elodie wanted to stay with Tom and help so she did. I kept getting pictures of her carrying all of her toys out of her room and her helping Paddy carrying a box. It was the cutest.

We settled in pretty quickly and Elodie and Tessa were loving the extra space. We also resumed our Friday game night after nearly 3 years. Elodie joined in once but she got bored and fell asleep on my stomach.

As I was grabbing my things to go home, Amy stopped me. "I've got you a gift" she said handing me a present. I opened it and inside was a baby grow which read "Mummy's little cupcake". I began to cry. "Thank you so much". I hugged her tight. "I will be back in. And you can have as many cuddles as you want" I laughed. "You better" Amy laughed. We gave one more hug and I left.

When I got back home, Harrison and Eva were there. "Hello!" I beamed as I walked through the door. "My gorgeous sister. How are you today?" Harrison asked. I started laughing. "I am good thank you. Why are you so happy?" I asked putting my things down. "Well..." Eva said coming up to me. She was 5 months pregnant now and she was getting excited. They guided me outside and when I saw, I was shocked. "A niece?" I cried. They both nodded. There were pink balloons tied to the chairs and pink streamers in the trees. I hugged them both. "This is the best day ever" I cried.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now