Part 17

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"Mmmm noodles" Elodie said as her meal came out. The only reason she wanted to come here was because she wanted noodles. I'm surprised she isn't looking like one considering she eats them a lot!

"Hey! Wait for everyone else's missy!" I said as Elodie began to eat hers. "But I am hungry" she whined. "I know you are, but so are we so just wait" I responded. She got in a strop with me. "Auntie Eva, can you tell Mummy I'm not speaking to her" Elodie asked. "Well, if your not speaking to your Mummy, I don't think you'll be allowed your dress" Eva replied. Elodie's eyes soon changed. "I'll wait for everyone else's" she said. I smiled and kissed her cheek. Finally everyone's arrived and we all tucked in. "Worth the wait?" I asked Elodie. She just nodded as her mouth was full.

After lunch, I headed back to the car with Elodie as she fell asleep in the restaurant. I gave Eva and Charlotte a list of things to get as it was Tom's birthday tomorrow. They offered to come back and stay will Elodie but if truth be told, I was tired as well. All the shopping had tired me out. Baby starting kicking again. "Hello little one. So your sister is asleep and just when I can have a few moments peace and quiet, you wake up" I giggled to my stomach. I rubbed it. "But oh well. You are worth the uncomfortableness".

I must of dozed off because Eva and Charlotte were knocking gently on the window trying to get it. "Shit sorry" I whispered as Elodie was still fast asleep. "That's okay. Do you want me to drive home so you have more rest?" Eva asked me. "Would you?" I replied. "Of course!". I got out of the drivers seat and got into the front. I dozed off again. Eva must of dropped Charlotte off because as we arrived home, Charlotte was no where to be seen. "Where's Lottie?" I asked waking up from my slumber. "Your parents texted her saying she needed to come home" Eva said. "Oh god, she's probably in trouble for something" I laughed. We bailed everything out of the car and into the house. I went straight to Harrison's room and put the dresses in his wardrobe. I knew Tom wouldn't go in there. "DADDY!" Elodie shouted as she ran towards him. "Hey darling. How was shopping?" He asked while giving her the biggest hug. "Good" she replied. I walked in after. "Babe, you look tired" Tom said. "I've been asleep and I could do with going back to bed" I told him honestly. "Well go to bed and I'll look after this monkey" he said tickling Elodie. "Might have to". I kissed him and walked off to bed bedroom. As soon and my head hit the pillow, I was out for the count.

Sequel: Two siblings, a boyfriend and a toddlerWhere stories live. Discover now