I don't love you[Platonic Jeggy]

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Peggy Schuyler stepped from the carriage and looked at her surroundings.

She cringed as she realised she was in a swarm of people and went to grab her sisters hand.

Only to realise her sisters had run into the building. Peggy huffed and picked up her skirts, walking towards the building.

She shouted in surprise as someone bumped into her, causing her to fall forward.

A quick hand wrapped around her waist and hoisted her up.

“My apologies Miss.”

She bared her teeth and whipped around to confront this stranger.

She found herself face to face with a man, about her height with brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. His brown eyes looked apologetic.

Peggy lifted her skirts once again and curtsied.

“I'm sorry to bother you sir.” She nodded and rushed into the building to avoid conversation.

Peggy found a spot to stand as people grouped into two to dance. She felt a light tap on her shoulder and turned to see the man that had bumped into her and a friend of his.

The man next to him had very curly hair pulled into a bun on his head and he was extremely tall.

“You are Margarita Schuyler, yes?”

Peggy, my name is Peggy.

The tall man, with an apparent French accent asked her. She nodded.

“Perhaps you could introduce us to your sisters?” The shorter man asked with eager.

Peggy felt anger boil up inside of her.

“I am not a host of your wishes. If you desire to meet my sister's, introduce yourself.” She spat and turned on her heel walking away quickly.

She found a garden outside and sat on a bench as her feelings drained away.

I'm just the forgotten sister. I am nothing but 'And Peggy'. My sister's never notice me. All the men are interested in them. I'm not even attractive.

She heard rustling and looked up to see a man, with curly brown hair pulled back into a low ponytail. He had freckles dotting his face and small dimples as he smiled softly at her.

“Why are you crying Miss?” The young man spoke.

Peggy quickly wiped her eyes and motioned for him to sit, he complied.

“I'm afraid good sir, that I am nothing to people. They all care for my sisters. I am simply know for being their relative.”

The young man nodded as Peggy ranted on how she was simply 'And Peggy' she was never just Peggy or Margarita.

Then Peggy turned to him, “Why are you out here, instead of dancing with a woman?”

“I'm not here for the women. I am here due to my dearest friend, Alexander.”

Peggy took his hand in hers and squeezed it. “I suppose he does not know of this feeling?” she asked softly.

The man shook his head, “No, I suppose he has already found someone.”

He gestured to the large doorway, where Peggy could see her sister dancing with the man who had bumped into her earlier.

“That's my sister.” She said softly as a small breeze lifted her hair blowing curly strands into her face.

The man nodded and stood, he bowed quickly to Peggy before disappearing into the crowd of people.

I didn't get his name.


Word Count: 543

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