Perhaps that what Mr. and Mrs. Hayle had before their family was torn apart. My epiphany has opened my eyes to the real purpose behind this job: to help a wounded family stitch their broken hearts and move past this with open eyes. No case was your simple run-of-the-mill milk run; they were important and lethal and sure, hunting was invigorating, but a family was in danger. That's all that mattered anymore. Even though I thought the idea of dressing up nice for a case was rubbish, I'd have to suck it up for the sake of the Hayles.

"Cas, what time is the party?" I asked, my eyes subconsciously rolling as I thought about getting dolled up.

He thought for a moment, "I believe Dean said around two, a day party due to the human paranoia of darkness and the creatures that hide within it."

Checking my watch, I realized it was already quarter past noon. Giving him a swift hug, I almost ran out before I replied, "Thank you. Thank you so much."

He grabbed my arm gently, turning me to face him before I went to wake the others for them to change. Cas shifted nervously on his toes, an emotion I, again, didn't know he could express.

"Since Charlie is going with Sam and Dean is going to scope out the estate, I was wondering if I could accompany you to the party." He asked, his blue eyes twinkling with the light of a million stars. My heart pounded in my chest, an explosion of fireworks erupting in my gut, as I thought about attending the party with Cas. I just assumed that he'd be watching us from a distance, flying in whenever he felt the need to interfered or assist us. The mere idea of his arms around my waist and a song sweet and slow playing in the background sent shivers up and down my spine.

"Of course." I smiled, my cheeks growing red and burning with adoration. "I better go wake the others up."

"Yes, they have to get ready." He agreed, letting me go.

I glanced at him walking over to a row of different cereals Dean has bought, eyes narrowed in complete concentration. I chuckled to myself before continuing on, stopping in Sam's room first.

"SAM!" I yelled, climbing onto the bed and jumping on it. I was a little kid at a trampoline park, refusing to come down despite his bothered expression. He put up with enough before he grabbed my ankle, pulling me down onto the bed. Before I could apologize he pinned me down, tickling my sides with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" I screeched. "Sam, I'm going to PEE ALL OVER YOUR BED! Sammmm!"

He bopped my nose with his finger before his restraint on me was released. I sighed from relief, glad that my morning torture session was over. However, Sam's amused smile in the opposite direction caught my attention and I followed his line of vision. There, standing at the door all ticked off, were Charlie and Dean. Their faces resembled pure agony and hatred at the two of us for making so much noise, enough to wake them from their refreshing slumber.

"Great, you're up." I grinned. "We all have to get ready."

"Isn't the party at night?" Sam questioned.

I rolled my eyes, "No, it's a day party because the family is paranoid that if it runs too late, something bad will happen. Now come on, it starts in a little under two hours; we slept in too late."

"Two hours?" Dean groaned. "Fifteen minutes gives me enough time to get ready."

"I have to do my hair and makeup, pal, and I'm not letting you enjoy one more minute of sleep than I had." Charlie growled, making Dean quickly apologize and run to the kitchen.

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