Chapter ※『1』※

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A/N: so I wrote this after reading 'you can do it!!!' By LionellLim.
A fantastic book, I recommend you read it.

Izuku and Katsuki have been dating for 2 years now, they are in their 3rd year at U.A high. their relation ship has had a lot of bumps along the way but their love still triumphs..




Izuku P.O.V

Kacchan and I were on our way home from a tiring hero lesson, we were both exhausted and vulnerable. The last thing we expected was an attack.

we were holding hands just a few houses down from mine (we were aloud to go home for the weekend because the teachers thought it would be a good stress reliever).

when out of thin air a hand reached out and pulled us both into an ally way, to tired we didn't try to fight back, well that was until the villain started to search me for my wallet.

"GET YOUR FILTHY, GERM INFESTED HANDS OFF OF MY DEKU" Kacchan yelled as he went to punch him, but the villain jumped back and pulled out a gun.

without hesitation the villain pulled the trigger, but just before he did I anticipated what he was going to do.

jumping in front of Kacchan, the world seemed to slow down, my arms spread like a protective shelter, a bright darkness killing smile plastered on my face. familiar but unknown words flash in my mind.

'He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.'  Psalm 91:4


I felt a sharp pain in my side as I collapsed into the safe embrace of Kacchan.

the villain ran off scared of what he did.

"d-d-deku, hey deku, open your eyes!" Kacchan yelled holding me tight in his arms as if he would never let go.

I looked up to see the absolute shock and heartbreak seeped onto his face.

everything, every memory, every emotion, every fight, every hug, every kiss, every 'i love you', all drowned my mind....


"hey Kacchan, Kacchan, Kacchaaaaaaaaaan!" i yelled jumping and clinging onto my boyfriend, i kissed him on the check.

"tsk stupid nerd you're gonna get hurt" he played with my hair

"no i wont cause you're going to protect me " i giggled smiling a cheeky smile


one tear strolled down my check


"its so beautiful" i smiled looking into the ocean from the cliff we were sitting on

"yes, yes you are" he kissed my hair

"waaaaaa, Kacchan, i was talking about the ocean" i blushed and leaned my head on his chest

"yeah, i guess that's beautiful too, but not as beautiful as you" he picked me up and put me back down away from the cliff.

he tackled me and started to tickle me.

"hahaha Kac- haha Kacchan sto- hahaha -p hahahaa" my laughs filled the air.

when Kacchan stopped i looked up and straight into my lovers eyes.

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