Chapter Two - It's alright

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A small knock on the door cause Arabella to look up from her book. It was just past midnight and she thought everyone would be asleep by now. “Can I come in?” Cristiano’s voice sounded from the other end of the door.

Arabella let out a deep sigh. Apart from the necessary talks she had to have with Cristiano in company of Cristiano Jr. she had ignored the man.

Cristiano took Arabella’s silence as a ‘yes’ and softly opened the door. He peeked his head through the opening to see if she was even awake, and when he saw she was he entered the room fully. He closed the door behind him and quietly walked to the side of her bed, where he sat down.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, looking down at his hands. Arabella sighed and closed her book before placing it on her night stand. She sat up straight and shuffled towards Cristiano. She silently wrapped her arms around his naked torso and rested her head on his shoulder. “I over reacted,” she admitted. Cristiano placed his hands on her arms and smiled softly to himself.

“You didn’t, I had no right to question you,” he sighed, leaning his head on top of hers. “I just worry about you, you and Cristiano Jr. are all I have.” Cristiano tried to explain himself. Arabella chuckled bitterly. “Same goes for me now Dennis is gone.” She spoke. Her words made Cristiano sit up straight and turn to her, causing her arms to fall off his body.

“You’re not okay.” Cristiano stated, taking her hands. She kept quiet for a long time as tears filled her eyes. Then, right before she could tell him she was, she broke and shook her head. Tears started spilling and Cristiano was quick to grab the girl and place her on his lap. Without any words he held onto her tightly.

In all fairness Cristiano didn’t know what to say. For the first time in forever he couldn’t comfort the girl he loved most, and it made him feel absolutely useless. He couldn’t find the words to say to cheer up his best friend, even it was just a bit, and it absolutely sucked.

“I just feel so guilty,” Arabella said. “He was dying and I wasn’t there, instead I was here in Madrid having fun.” She buried her face in Cristiano’s neck. “That’s not true, he was having fun as well. He was doing all the stuff he wanted to do, he was happy and you know that. Don’t talk yourself into thinking otherwise.” Cristiano’s words were true and she knew that, but she couldn’t help but feel guilty for missing so much of Dennis’ last year.

She didn’t fight his words, instead she just cried, clamping onto Cristiano.

A/N: I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ACTUALLY WON. I'M STILL GRINNING, WE'RE WORLD CHAMPION 2014!! I ACTUALLY CRIED out of happiness for the 2nd time this world cup. 


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