Chapter Twenty One - 2-2

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"I can't believe we played 2-2," Cristiano grumbled, dropping his kit on the floor of the hotel room.
The loud thud made Junior stir in Arabella's arms, but the child stayed fast asleep.
"At least it wasn't a loss," Arabella said, walking towards the room Junior was sleeping in.
"What's that supposed to mean!?" Cristiano hissed with clenched teeth, still careful not to wake up his son.

Arabella chose to ignore his question and put Junior to bed first.

When she came back Cristiano was sat on the sofa, his arms crossed and chewing the inside of his cheek angrily.
"Are you saying it's a miracle we didn't lose!? We could've easily beat those Americans!" Cristiano said Americans as if it was something disgusting.
Arabella sighed, sitting down next to him and cuddling up to him. She tightly placed her arms around his torso and laid her head on his shoulder.
"I'm not saying that, I'm saying that it was looking way worse up until the end of minute 94," she explained.
Cristiano was still sat with his arms crossed, his muscles all tensed up. He just grunted in response.
Once again Arabella sighed before lifting her head. She rested her chin om Cristiano's shoulder and looked him.
"Cris, come on, relax," she mumbled, tugging at him.
Cristiano sighed, listening to the girl, and moved so his right arm was wrapped around Arabella.
It was as if she was the cool water on his ever growing fire. The only thing that was able to calm him down when he felt like nothing could.
"I love you," he mumbled, pressing his lips to her forehead.
"I love you too, you asswipe," she smiled, nuzzling her face into his neck.
That's how they dozed off into slumber, cuddling up to each other on the sofa.

Cristiano woke up, in desperate need of a toilet, when he noticed Arabella lying on top of him. She snored quietly, drooling slightly on his Portugal jumper.
Smiling to himself he tried getting up without waking her, something in which he somehow magically succeeded.
As he walked towards the bathroom he found himself feeling incredibly lucky that he had met her. It was safe to say that Arabella had changed his life for the better.


"No, I came along to look after him, yet I'm off with anyone and everyone while you have to stay here!"
Arabella was getting frustrated. Cristiano was telling her she should go and see Manuel, something she wanted, but it just didn't feel right to her to ditch once more.
"You've only spent one morning and afternoon without Junior! Besides, I have to rest anyways. Go!" Cristiano stated, throwing her his car keys.
Arabella caught them out of reflex and sighed.
"Fine, I'll go, but next time Manuel is either coming here or I'm taking Junior again," she huffed, blowing the hairs that had fallen out from her messy bun out of her face.
Cristiano smiled and patted her head as he walked passed het towards the door.
"Have fun, use protection, don't do anything illegal!" Cristiano smiled brightly, opening the door for her.
Arabella rolled her eyes, kissing him on the cheek on her way out.
"You're such an idiot."


"I'm sorry, I'm late!" Manuel nearly shouted as he ran up to the table Arabella was sitting at.
Out of shear habit -of dates with his ex girlfriend- he kissed her cheek.
Arabella turned a slight shade of pink, feeling a numbness on the place where his lips had been.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry!" Manuel exclaimed, seeing the young woman shut down.
Arabella quickly regained her composure, smiling brightly up at him.
"Stop apologizing and sit down, Goldilocks," she joked.
Manuela released a breath he didn't know he was holding and sat down opposite of her.
"I already ordered the both of us a cappuccino, I hope that's okay with you. They were pressuring me to order, I can't take pressure like that," she explained, making Manuel chuckle.
"Cappuccino is fine, Bella."
Arabella blushed at the nickname he gave her, everyone always called her Ara. But Manuel decided that Bella -which was Italian for beautiful- suited her better.

Once the two had gotten their coffee, conversation sparked between them.
"How was your match yesterday?" Arabella questioned, pouring some extra sugar into her drink.
"Don't," Manuel groaned. "We played 2-2."
Arabella chuckled, Manuel and Cristiano were more alike then she'd thought.
"At least it's not losing!" She said optimistically. Manuel just looked at her dryly.
"I let two balls pass, feels like losing to me."
Arabella rolled her eyes with a smile.
"Fine, you're such a loser. Why are you even here," she joked.
Manuel gasped, looking at her wide eyed.
"What? So, when I tell you the truth you won't hear it and when I confirm what you're implying you get offended? And they say I'm a woman.." she laughed.
Manuel grinned and shook his head. This girl was something else, and didn't even know her that much yet.

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