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"Alright, you're all dismissed for the day."

At Aizawa's dismissal you reached for your pencils and pencil case, shoving them in the pouch and throwing it in your bag. Grabbing your notebooks and tossing them in after your pencil case, you stood up from your chair and sighed; another day of school finished.

You pushed in your chair after standing and walked towards the classroom door, covering your mouth with your hand as you yawned. Just before you put your hand on the door, it was opened by Midoriya.

"Hey, Midoriya's back from the infirmary!" Kirishima shouted.

As the boy walked further into the classroom, some of your fellow classmates crowded around him while spewing comments on his battle.

"I couldn't hear what you guys were saying, but that was an awesome battle!!"

"You're really good at dodging!"

"We were all super pumped up after your insane match!"

You could feel the nervous energy radiating from the boy, caused by the attention he was getting.

Seeing that you were not needed in the conversation, you left the classroom and headed back home.


Unsurprisingly, the house was empty when you arrived. There was a note on the counter in the kitchen, written in your mom's handwriting.

"Hey [nickname], I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you got home. My boss called me in and I have to work until late tonight. There's some leftovers from yesterday in the fridge if you don't feel like cooking anything for yourself. Remember to take a shower and go to bed at a reasonable hour! I love you and I'll see you in the morning." The note was slightly messy, indicating that she had been in a rush to get out the door.

Your mother being called into work late happened often, so you were in this situation often. You really couldn't blame her from working more though. She was a single mother and the only person able to provide for the two of you.

Remembering her mentioning food you walked across the kitchen and peaked your head inside the fridge, looking for something to stuff your face with. You spotted some ramen from the night before and took it out. After peeling the lid off the container, you set it in the microwave and set it for a minute. While waiting for it to finish, you took your backpack to your room and set it beside your bed.

After getting your ramen and eating, you washed your dishes and cleaned up the kitchen a bit before going back to your room. You checked your phone to see if you had any notifications--surprise, you didn't--and gathered up the things you needed to shower.

You took your time in the shower, letting the hot water hit your skin. You went over your day in your head, recounting what you had learned in your regular lessons as you did your normal routine. There were things you had to work on, like geometry. That class was going to wreck your GPA, you just knew it.

After lamenting over your problems with math for a while, you got out of the shower and slipped on your pajamas. You brushed your teeth and put your normal products in your hair, doing your skincare routine right after.

Once making sure you were done with everything, you walked back to your room and threw your dirty uniform in the laundry before launching yourself into bed.


Passing by many people while walking, you finally rounded the corner and came upon U.A. And, instead of the normal students passing through the gates, there were a ton of reporters and cameramen standing there.

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