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"He jumped right at that gimmick..."

"But with a quirk like that... How'd he get to be such a scaredy cat?"

"Either way, this kid's special."

"Don't forget the girl who jumped straight into action when she saw someone stuck!"

"She was so cool!! I wish I had acted like that."

'Geez, leave me out of your amazement... It's what a hero would have done, idiots.' You began walking to the entrance of the mock city, eager to get home and sleep.

"Well done. Good job. Haribo candy for all, eat up!" An old woman stopped you as she passed and pressed a few gummy bears in your palm. You gave her a confused look over your shoulder before turning around and leaving the arena.

It's been one week since the entrance exam and frankly, you were getting impatient. You knew that you did good, but you were not sure what rank you got.

As of now you were working on one of your programs you created. This program, called ENHANCE, was made to, well, enhance your abilities and your quirk. It would make your skills in combat even better than they already were and helped you create things faster. The program would be placed into a bracelet you made. As long as it rested on your wrist, the ability of ENHANCE would take effect. It had taken you 6 months to make ENHANCE but it still was not complete; there were still minor things you had to fix but never got around to. You hoped you would get it to work before school started.

"[name]! The letter from U.A. just got here!" A pair of feet pounded up the stairs and was shortly followed by your mother throwing your bedroom door open, letter in hand. You jumped to switch over to a different tab you had open on your computer, afraid you'd get in trouble. You got up from your chair and took the letter from her hands.

"Thank you."

"Okay! I'll leave you alone so you can open it. But remember [nickname], I'll be proud of you no matter what happens." She smiled at you and closed the door behind her after she left.

Once you were alone once again, you felt the envelope. It didn't seem like there was a letter in there, it was more of a device than paper. Preparing for the unexpected, you tore open the paper envelope.

"THIS IS A PROJECTION!" A device dropped out of the envelope and landed on your desk, effectively turning it on. All Might was part of the projection, as he had said.

"HELLO YOUNG [lastname]! YOU WERE OUTSTANDING DURING THE EXAM AND FOR THAT, I AM PLEASED TO TELL YOU THAT YOU HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED INTO U.A.'S CLASS A FOR HEROICS!" The corner of your mouth turned up, pulling your lips into a miniscule smile; you had made it into U.A.

Ah, spring. The season of renewal and the season of back to school. How wonderful...

You never really liked spring, or school for that matter. You were put into classes that you hated and all of your classmates were at a lower intelligence level than you, not to mention they all hated you because of your personality.

But that can be put behind now; you're starting anew. You're starting high school at U.A. this spring and you couldn't wait.

"[name] stand still will you?! I'm trying to get a picture of you in that uniform but they keep turning out blurry because you keep moving!"

Your mother was also very excited.

"Oh [name], you look great! I'm so proud of you!" She ran up to you in hopes of getting a goodbye hug, but you moved out of the way before she could get her hands on you.

"I have to leave now or I'll be late, Mom. I'll see you later." With that, you started on your way to U.A.

You found your way to class 1-A relatively easy and without the help of staff or other students.

'I hope there are some actual intelligent people in this class...' You opened the door and slipped into the classroom before finding a seat and setting your stuff down. A breath of relief came from your mouth when you realized that not many people were in the classroom yet. Deciding that it was okay, you took your phone and earbuds out of your backpack and plugged the earbuds into your ears, playing your favorite song.

Your eyes flickered to the door every time someone stepped through, slightly surprised that you saw some familiar faces. The same people who stepped through the door began conversing among themselves. They glanced at you every so often, which annoyed you.

It got to a point where you took out your headphones so you hear their conversations.

"Isn't that [lastname] [name]? I heard she got first place in the entrance exam!"

"She's so cool!"

"So manly! I wish I was like her!"

"Leave me out of your praise. The only thing I did was take an exam, I just happened to do good on it." Your monotone voice cut through most of the other conversations in the classroom, effectively almost silencing the entire room.

There were a few moments of silence after your statement before the class started talking again, making sure to leave you out of their conversations.

"Remove your foot from that desk! Such an act is insulting to those who came to U.A. before us as well as the craftsmen who made the desk!" Blue boy, who you recognized from the entrance exam, had started giving you a headache.

"Like I care. What middle school are you from, you extra?"

'Ah, damn. I'm in the same class as Bakugo again. These next few years are gonna suck...' You rolled your eyes at what you realized.

"I'm from Somei Private Academy. My name is Iida Tenya."

'I'm still calling him blue boy.'

"Well that explains why you have a stick up your ass then. You're a rich kid, aren't you?" You casually said.

"Somei!? She's right, you're a stuck up elitist. I should blow you to bits!" The ash blond shouted.

"Well I never outright said he was a stuck up elitist, Bakugo. Please do not twist my words." You picked at your nails, uninterested in the rest of the conversation.

'I really need to get my nails done soon, they look terrible...'

"If you're here to socialize, then get out." A man who was wrapped up in a yellow sleeping bag was laying in front of the classroom door. A second later he pulled out a bagged applesauce and sucked it down.

"It took you eight seconds for you to quiet down.Time is a precious resource. You lot aren't very rational, are you? I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota. Pleased to meet you."

"HOMEROOM TEACHER?!" You almost jumped in surprise at how loud your new classmates yelled. Aizawa stepped out of his yellow sleeping bag and walked to the front of the classroom, sleeping bag in tow.

"Quickly now. Change into these and head out to the grounds." He held up the school gym uniform to the class.

'Even though I am trying to become a hero, I really do hate physical activity...'

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