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In the next several months you continued your training and school work, along with your side jobs. You pushed your limits and passed out many times from exhaustion, but you were finally ready to take the U.A. entrance exam.

The bare trees of U.A. welcomed you to the campus and lead straight to the doors of the school. There were many other students excitedly walking towards the school, not paying attention to the other students who they would most likely go against. You, on the other hand, were analyzing your soon to be opponents. As you looked around at the students in uniform, you were surprised to see Midoriya a little bit ahead of you. He looked terrified. You supposed that his nerves made him almost fall flat on his face.

Emphasis on almost, because a girl caught him with her quirk before he could. You didn't feel the need to stop and ask if he was okay, but you did hear parts of the conversation between the two.

"It's my quirk. Sorry for stopping you but... Well, it's a bad omen to fall." You walked into the school, leaving the two behind.



'Does he really expect a bunch of soon to be first years to yell out like that? Especially in a serious situation such as this?'


And silence, again.

"This is how the test will go, my listeners! You'll be experiencing ten-minute long 'mock cityscape maneuvers'! Bring along whatever you want! After this presentation, you'll head to your assigned testing location!"

'This will be a pain...'

"Each site is filled with three types of faux villains. Points are rewarded for defeating each according to their respective difficulty levels! Use your quirks to disable these faux villains... And earn points! That's your goal, listeners!! And of course, playing the antihero and attacking other examinees is prohibited."

"May I ask a question?!"

'I recognize him... I saw him when I was walking through the front gates.'

"There appear to be no more than four varieties of faux villains, on this handout! Such a blatant error, if it is one, is highly unbecoming for U.A., Japan's top academy! We're all here in hopes of being molded into model heroes! And you, with the curly hair! You've been muttering this whole time, it's distracting! If this is some sort of game to you, then you should not even be here!"

"Why don't you pull that stick out your ass and worry about yourself, blue boy." You called from your seat. The auditorium erupted in laughter at your comment while the teacher, Present Mic, tried to silence everyone.

"Alright everyone, quiet down so I can answer his question! Examinee 711, nice catch. Thanks! But the fourth faux villain variety does not earn you any points if you were to take it down. He's more so an obstacle than a target! Have you all played Super Mario Brothers?! It's kinda like a thwomp. Only one at each site; a gimmick that will rampage around in close quarters!"

"Got it... So it's like a stage gimmick to be avoided..."

"So it really is like a video game.."

"Thank you, sir! I apologize for interrupting!"

"That's all from me! I'll leave my listeners with our school motto! The great hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said... 'True heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life.'


'Ha, I know I'll do well.'

'Midoriya looks like he's constipated when he makes that face... He should stop.' Both you and Midoriya had been placed in the same testing area somehow, even though Present Mic said it was impossible. Perhaps the school made an error.

"Like a whole city! And they've got a whole bunch of these on the grounds?"

'It's U.A., what'd you expect? God, I hope none of these imbeciles are my classmates...' For the remainder of the time before the exam started, you stood away from everyone else and stretched your body out and prepared to create weapons you might need during the exam.

"And... BEGIN!!" A sudden shout sent you into action. Your legs moved on their own, carrying you into the arena.

Behind you, you could hear the same voice shout, "What's wrong?! Be like that girl and get moving!"

You smirked and focused on the task at hand.

'Alright, let's do this. I created my guns and I'm all set... 1 pointer to my left...' You continued taking down robots one by one, sometimes killing multiple with one shot.

When you had finished taking care of all the 'villains' in your area, you moved closer to the center of the mock city. There, you found a number of examinees fighting robots. Instead of finding your own to fight, you headed straight into the chaos and took down villains other people were trying to defeat.

"What the hell, you bitch?! I was trying to get that one!"

"Maybe you should have tried harder."


'I've racked up about 94 points, I should be good for now.' The ground began to shake as you thought that.

"Holy shit." Your mind took a few minutes to process the situation before stepping into action. You ran past Midoriya, along with all of the other examinees, towards the robot to see if there was anyone that got caught up in the debris thrown about by the 0 pointer. There, you spotted the girl who stopped Midoriya from falling earlier in the day. Her leg was caught under a big slab of concrete.

You paid no attention to what was happening above you as you sprinted towards the brown haired girl, determined to help her before she could get crushed by the robot behind her. You quickly thought up the sequence that would allow you to make a crow bar and used it to lift the concrete from the girl's leg.

"Go and help the green haired boy!" She told you and pointed to the sky. You gave her a confused look and set her down, looking at what she was pointing to.

Your eyes practically bulged out of your head when you saw Midoriya falling, his broken arm and legs flailing behind him.

"Carry me to where he might land! I can stop him from falling all the way to the ground!" You picked her up and sprinted to where you thought Midoriya may land.

Once he got into her range, the brunette reached out and slapped Midoriya in the face right before he could land on the pavement. He started floating mid air until she yelled, "Release!"

"Just... One point!" You could practically hear Midoriya's heart break as exam finished.

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