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"I thought this was just practice!"

"It does not seem that Bakugo came to that conclusion." Your eyebrows raised as you watch both battles on each screen.

On the first screen was Uraraka and Iida. After the pair had gotten past the shockwave that rocked the building just seconds before, they both jumped into action. Uraraka pressed her fingertips together, activating her quirk as she ran towards the weapon. However, Iida did not let her reach her goal, stepping in front of her.

It seemed that the brunette had thought this through, as she pushed off the ground and floated straight over his head. Just as she was about to complete her mission, Iida went into action. He fired up his engines and swiped the weapon away from her reach. Uraraka fell from the air, knocking her helmet off her head.

'Iida's very in character...'

You shifted your eyes to the other screen that displayed the other participants. From the looks of it, Bakugo had managed to blast Midoriya through a wall and blow out the wall behind him, along with a few more floors above the two. Bakugos face was just as menacing as it was before the huge explosion, maybe even more.

"Sensei, shouldn't you stop him? Bakugo's crazy! He's out to kill!!"

"I will not stop this match just yet."

"I do think that you should, sensei. If any of those four were to get seriously injured or even worse, the school would probably be sued by the family of the victim. And most of the blame would be put on you, All Might-sensei. The number one hero and the man to let a child get hurt even though he had control of the very match that hurt the student. I do not think you would be as liked as you are now, sensei. I advise that you stop this match now, before someone gets killed." You side-eyed your teacher, all eyes on you.

"Do not question my authority, young [lastname]. I know their limits and when I should step in, and this is not the right time to step in."

"Sure. Well do not say that I did not say anything to stop you." You huffed, quite annoyed with the hero.

He spoke into his communications device, "Bakugo. Use that move again and I will forcibly end the match. Your team will lose," he paused for a moment, watching Bakugos movements. "Using massive attacks like that is just asking for your hideout to be destroyed! Whether a hero or a villain, it's a bad move! And a good way to lose points for your team!"

Bakugo did not heed All Mights warnings. He launched himself at Midoriya, setting off explosions to accelerate faster. Midoriya watched the blond as he pressed his finger to his ear, talking with his teammate.

Bakugo reached Midoriya and the smaller boy moved to counterattack. Before he could get hit, Bakugo blasted himself so he was behind Midoriya. He set an explosion off on the the green haired boy.

"He used the first explosion to simultaneously feint and change his attack and immediately followed up with another..."

"He doesn't seem like a thinker, but that strategy was fairly intricate."

"Damn, this guy's good..."

Your classmates made more comments on the ash-blonds fighting style as the match continued. You weren't exactly worried about the fighting style, your concerns were more focused on getting this match to be stopped.

"All Might-sensei, you cannot let this continue." You snapped.

To your annoyance, the teacher ignored you.

You watched as Bakugo gripped Midoriyas arm and body slammed the boy.

'Midoriya used that move earlier. He must have done as revenge.'

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