(important authors note) the future of this fic

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hello all !! i hope ur doing well ^^ i've been pretty busy with school and work (finally employed !!! v exciting) the past 6-7 months and my mental health has not been the greatest but ! i am pushing through !

i would like to sincerely apologize to all of u who had seen the previous notice (that has since been hidden) i had posted regarding the future of this fic i had posted almost a year ago (??). i had no intention of leading u guys on for so long and i feel absolutely horrible about it.

now ! onto the part u all probably wanted to read !

as i said the the update i mentioned, this story was a product of middle school me (almost 4 years ago :00) and her random idea to create a bnha fic — no planning, no experience with writing, nothing — and upload it to this site ! as a result , this fic is incredibly embarrassing for me to read, even just to edit. along with this, i honestly just have no time in my schedule to write right now.

because of this, i will be discontinuing both this fic and the naruto fic i have on my quotev until further notice.

now, maybe next year or the one after i may find the time to start writing again and maybe just rewrite this fic from scratch, but as of now, i just have no time nor motivation to keep up with this story.

i am truly sorry for this, as i know many of you really do enjoy this fic. speaking of that, thank you so so much for all the love u all have been giving this fic ! middle school me (and current me !) would probably be over the moon because of how good this fic has been doing !

anyways, i think that is all for now ! thank u so much for reading this update and Heartless ! i love u all so much and i hope u have a great rest of ur day/night <33


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