Chapter 06 : My Destiny!

Start from the beginning

"Actually, that explains everything," She replied to her and Swara gave another smile to her. As she was doing her duty, the woman lifted her head towards her.

"Child, do you know that I am a chirologist?" She asked her and Swara was taken by surprise.

"A chirologist? As in... the one who does face reading, palm reading and those things to predict someone's future?"

The middle-aged lady chuckled, "I expected this reaction from you."

She got up from her bed and Swara offered her some help to sit up. "Aaram se, ma'am!"

"I am fine," The woman sat up and smiled at Swara. "I have been doing palm reading for years. I have always told people what came for them and most of the times it came out to be true. Not only I have told them, I have also suggested solutions for them to cope with their coming future and it has been very helpful for them."

"That sounds... nice," she smiled liking how someone could be blessed with this unique ability.

"It does. If you don't mind I can do that for you too. Do you want to know what your destiny has in store for you?"

Swara took in a sharp breath before nodding her head. Though a part of her heart was uncertain of the prediction, the other side wanted to know what her future had in store for her. Was it going to be something like that again?

Or something...

"Show me your dominant hand."

Swara looked at her still confused about what to do. Did she really need to do this? A part of her just wanted to know her destiny but then...

Knowing her stronger urge to discover her destiny, Swara slowly gave her right hand to the woman in front of her and opened her hand to show the palm. The woman gathered her petite palm into her hands and she began scanning everything that was in store for Swara. The heart line, the life line, everything... As she was scanning her palm thoroughly, creases were slowly getting formed on her forehead, which explained Swara that there was something unusual that she had noticed. But what?

"I can see a few knots," the woman continued to read, "Few yet very crushing ones..."

Swara closed her eyes sighing. This was what she was fearing!

"But then... I see a beautiful road. A clear path. A bright future and a beautiful destiny."

The words left from the woman's lips left Swara completely puzzled. Her eyes almost widened. Her destiny... a beautiful one? What was going to happen in her life?

The woman lifted her head from her palm and looked at Swara. "Have you recently gone through something in your life?"

Swara stared at her. Should she even trust what was happening right now? "Actually... yes."

The woman smiled, "It's okay, beta. But that will have nothing to do with your coming future now. I have seen your coming future and all I can tell you is... whatever you are doing today is going to be the reason of a huge turning point in your life. I can see a huge cluster that explains the new phase of your life and from this moment on, you have to watch out. Your destiny can come to you in any form, and your destiny is going to be right in front of you. But there are chances that you may not notice it. But your destiny has already caught it's main destination and everything, you know of, is going to change. It's now your life has actually begun."

Should she even believe all this stuff? But then if she stopped this woman, it would seem like she wronged her skills and her career.

"But there are many hurdles in between which you're going to overcome with your own strength and that is going to lead you to a very beautiful future," she continued telling her, "Someone is going to be your strength and that 'someone' is going to be your tomorrow. In short, your destiny. You're in your early twenties, right?"

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