They both talked a bit, Namjoon found out she was a raising actress who starred in a couple of dramas. The young lady seems nice and polite with him, but she kept glances at Jin from time to time.

The raising actress seem to be uninterested at Namjoon and still kept eyeing Jin chatting to the others still red. A grin came to her face and stare at the leader.

"Seokjin-ssi seems to look so shy",

"He's just a bit heated due to many young ladies crowding him. He is very handsome" the lady smiled sweetly agreeing.

Jin was now eating on the table with the other members. He was filling his face with food but he still seems so posh and well manner with it. Ha-eun was giving him small smiles on how cute he is.

"I'm sorry to asked this, but is he taken?",

"Pardon?" Namjoon was a bit taken back by this, usually girls gave up on him whenever other members talk to them.

"He looks so handsome, he's probably dating a very pretty girl" Namjoon flinched.

A girl? Oh yeah they didn't know that six guys are secretly in love with him.

"I wanted to ask since I think I want to get know him better" the leader was about to say his hyung isn't interested in dating, but the girl excused herself and went by their table.

Namjoon turned back to see she's already there seemingly flirting with their eldest.

"Are you kidding me?",


"Ha-eun you starred at Autumns in Winter?",

"Yes I did! I was one of the supporting characters there!",

Jin seems to open up to the actress fast after finding out she starred at one of his favorite drama series.

But for the other members, it filled their jealousy. She was making their hyung laugh and grinning.

It wasn't fair. It took them a while when they were trainees to make the man laugh.

Jungkook couldn't look at her, he and the others are holding in their jealousy. Namjoon motions at them.

He signals them to come toward him and they did quickly reasons why because they couldn't take the girl flirting with their hyung anymore.

"I don't like her" Jimin commented as he glances at them, and scoff when she was getting closer to him.

"Guys I talked to the girl. She seems really nice" they all groaned "She wants to date hyung",

"Really I didn't notice that" Taehyung confirmed as his words were dry from staring at the girl flirting still.

"We gotta do something" Yoongi demanded and they all nodded.

"Wait guys" they all stared at Hoseok smiling widely.

"I have an idea",


"I'm really interested in your sugar gliders! The pictures you took are very cute!",

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